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"I swear, this boy acts like he has no home training," Fallon mumbled to herself as she looked down at her phone, watching a video of Hakeem's public indecency. She sat in Imani's apartment with Ashley and Alexandra Crane. "Girl, look at this."

Ashley shook her head. "I can't believe y'all made me be his date to that Hall of Fame event last year." She removed her jacket, laying it on the couch next to Imani. "I should really slap y'all for that."

"Our brother's an arrogant asshole," Imani said, taking a sip of her drink. "This is nothing new. I knew it, you knew it."

"Now everyone knows it," Alexandra said, looking at Fallon's phone. "It's viral. Even my dad wouldn't do this. And it's Dad I'm talking about. The king of showing his ass for publicity." Her phone started ringing with a call from her dad. "Speak of the Devil." She excused herself to answer the phone.

As Alexandra walked out of the room, the girls heard a knock at the door. Fallon looked at Imani. "Were you expecting someone?"

Imani shook her head. "I'm not answering. Anyone who needs to be in here has a key."

"Mani, it's Jamal," the person at the door said. "We need to talk. I need your help." The girls looked at each other, still not answering the door. "Please?"

Imani opened the door, and Jamal stood outside, fiddling with one of the bracelets on his arm. He stepped inside seeing the other girls sitting in the living room.

"Look, if this is about Hakeem-" Imani started.

"I need y'all to help me with a song," Jamal said, looking at both of his sisters. "Something's off, I can't seem to get it there, Dad's on my ass, Mom's blowing up my phone about this damn coming out performance--" 

"Okay, calm down," Fallon told him, trying to calm his stressed nerves. She placed her mug down on the table, standing up. 

"I just," Jamal sighed. "I need to vent."

"Don't we all?" Alexandra mumbled, walking back into the room. She flopped down on the couch next to her sister. "Why am I always the one cleaning up his messes? Why are our parents such liars?" Ashley chuckled, grabbing Alexandra's hand, playing with her fingers. "Why can't they just tell the truth for once in their lives?"

Imani smirked. "It seems we all have something to say." She hooked arms with her sister. "So why don't we all say it? Together?" She looked back at the Cranes, then at her siblings. "I mean, you need help with that song you were working on earlier, right? We can help."

Jamal nodded. "I came here for y'alls help," he gestured to his sisters. "But, y'all look like y'all need this, too." He put his hands on his hips. "So let's do it." 

While the five were working, their father's interview with Kelly McGann about Kidd Fo-Fo played on the tv. Imani went to reach for the remote to turn it off, as she hated seeing her father put on this facade to appeal to a white audience and save face for someone who didn't deserve the time of day. Jamal told her to keep it on as motivation, which surprised the hell out of her.

"Tell the truth," Jamal nodded his head to the beat. He looked at the girls. "Something like that." 

"Tell the truth," the girls echoed, all singing in harmony. 

Tell the truth,

Everyone has a closet,

In the night they wear disguises,

In the dark they hide,

The five of them took turns harmonizing with Jamal, as he and Alexandra came up with a beat on the spot.

The closest people to you, you can't trust...

As the group were finishing up, Fallon noticed a tear roll down Jamal's face. She laid her head on his shoulder. He gave a soft chuckle, leaning his head on hers.

"Knock, knock," Imani knocked on the already open door of Hakeem's dressing room. Even though she was mad that she wouldn't be performing, she put her feelings aside to support her little brother. She saw him sitting in front of his vanity, quiet. "What's wrong?"

She walked further into the room to lean on the vanity in front of him. "Keem, what is it?"

Hakeem shook his head. "Fo-Fo got cut."


"Don't act like you care," Hakeem told her. "You didn't even want him to perform in the first place."

"Fair enough," Imani said. "But him performing with you would've given everything on a platter."

Hakeem gave a humorless chuckle. "Yeah, well now he out."

Imani moved away from the vanity to pour herself a drink. "Well, if only you had siblings that are musicals geniuses that can go on stage with you."

"One of which, who has been at your rehearsals and knows what you're singing," Jamal walked into the room with Fallon. "Yeah, we were eavesdropping."

"You're not going up there alone, 'Keem," Fallon said. "So, get your ass up, get mic'd up and let's go." The sister's grabbed each of Hakeem's hands, pulling him up.

The girls and Jamal stood in their places, watching Hakeem perform.

My mouth is a weapon,

I ain't scared of nethin'

They say he so reckless,

Bunkie in the casket,

Ah, better hit the exit,

I eat you for breakfast, diamonds on my necklace,

Guess that's what I'm blessed with,

I'm a revolutionary, pardon my vocabulary,

I don't even 'member ever carin'

Sue me when I'm in the cemetery,

I'm legendary, ow!

Jamal started singing spotlight directed to him. "I do what I want and say what I want with no apologies."

Imani stepped onto the stage, another spotlight making its way to her. Excuse me if I'm blunt, I say what I want with no apologies.

Fallon walked up to her sister, putting her arm on her shoulder. And they won't shut me up, hell naw, hell naw, and they won't shut me up, hell naw, hell naw

Jamal, Imani, and Fallon all sang together, hyping Hakeem up. I do what I want and say what I want with no apologies.

As Hakeem started his second verse, Imani looked out into the crowd, looking her father in his shocked face. She smiled, giving him a wave. She looked into the crowd, seeing Cookie cheering all of them on. That only added fuel to the fire. She turned back to her siblings hyping all of them up. She wasn't about to let Lucious Lyon stop this family affair.


And that's a wrap for Episode 2!  The girls got to perform for the first time! Sure, it wasn't just them, but it still counts! Let me know your thoughts!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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