24.1 | if that was me

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24.1 | if that was me..


"Travis," I sing, knocking on his front door.

It's late at night. Cold, too. I thought April's in Calufornia were supposed to be warmer than this, but apparently I thought wrong. The sun is setting below the horizon, the moon is rising with tiny little stars blanketing the violet sky. I haven't heard from Travis in a minute, which, considering how close he and I are, I found rather sketchy, so I decided to check in on him. I have a lot of exciting news to share with him; an album release date, a music video role, and I bought a kitten named Benji. I figured he was busy with Kayla, his girlfriend, though I still found it unusual to be ignored by Travis for so long.

Chattering my teeth, brushing my fingertips against my bare arms, I call his name again, pounding on his door. "Travis! It's me. Let me in!" It's abnormal that he wasn't coming to his door. I was yelling loudly, and I sent him two messages to let him know I was on my way, another as I was approaching his front lawn. Both of his vehicles were here, too.

Suddenly, my excitement falters into discouragement and worry. Travis wasn't my boyfriend, but we have known each other our whole lives and were often mistaken for a married couple with how close he and I were. I never hated Kayla; I didn't know her enough to dig further into that assumption, but she seemed to have brought Travis down. She never seemed to have minded me much, polite and surreal, and I fed the helping with the same behavior in respect of Travis. She never supported him or showed up to his games, they fought a lot, and she manipulated his decisions so his life revolved around her.

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