6.1 | it was not your fault. (tw)

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i wrote this is honor of the victims of the kansas city shooting last wednesday. a reminder that violence is never the answer. there are many help lines available to those in amid a traumatic incident, take advantage of those. there's help out there. if any of you have ever dealt with this, i'm so sorry and my dms are always open. read at your own risk.


"Taylor, wake up!" Andrea scolded, nudging forcefully on Taylor's shoulders.

Taylor groaned, "What mom? It's five in the morning. I have to get up in a few hours. Can this wait?"

It was only a few hours behind of Taylor's landing in Australia from Las Vegas. A tiring weekend of excitement and anticipation spent the girl, she would not lie. What made it twice more difficult was the contrast of time zones between the places. The outcome of the trip was worth it, no doubt, but the lack of sleep weighed bricks on top of the jet lag she successfully hid from Travis. Maybe she was a little hung over, too.

Andrea shook her head in freight. A freight Taylor wasn't so sure she recognized before. Then, her mom waved Taylor's cell phone in her face, revealing Donna's contact on the dial. "I really don't think you're going to want to wait on this, Taylor," warned Andrea.

Taylor raised an eyebrow, muddled and a bit agitated. She sat up, blinking away the headache of light, resisting the offer at first. "Seriously, Taylor. This is serious. This is about Travis," Andrea informed.

Suddenly, Taylor's attention was grabbed with the mention of Travis. Her mom woke her before the sun even appeared over the horizon, looking afraid, a little mad even, this was serious, this was about Travis. He had to be okay though, right? She was just with him less than twelve hours ago, what could have gone wrong? Cautiously, Taylor stole the phone from Andrea. "Hello?"

A familiar voice peered through the other side. It was Donna, but a very distressed Donna. "Taylor, hi, honey. I have something very important to tell you, okay?"

Suddenly, Taylor felt her pulse in multiple limbs of her figure. She instantly began to sweat, but her fingers cold like a corpse. Maybe she was a little dizzy too, but could not be sure if it were from the alcohol consumption from the previous night, or if it was the sheer panic trickling through her veins. She sort of didn't care at all. "Yeah, I'm here. What's up? Is everything okay?"

"No. Travis has been in a shooting," said Donna.

That was it.

Taylor felt the bile rise in her throat, suddenly her surroundings spun like a spinner. She couldn't grasp onto the information and what was further led behind it. Her Travis? Questions activated Taylor's awareness, but the new details and unspoken accusations overwhelmed her. She desired answers, but also wanted to hinder the pain behind the truth. She wanted to know everything, while her heart ached for none at all. "Oh," was all she could say.

That was all she could say. She felt like an ass. She fought with herself, with her emotions, her thoughts, with the situation. The information had her too stunned to stay anything. There were too many emotions bickering with each other to come up with one to deal with. She had to know one thing, though. Before Taylor even had the chance, she choked on a painful cry. A loud one. "Is he okay?"

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