Chapter 23: Repercussions

Start from the beginning

As the tension in the garden began to dissipate, Lady Danbury turned her attention back to the other guests, her stern gaze sweeping over the crowd. "Let this be a lesson to us all," she declared, her voice ringing out with authority. "Respect and civility are the hallmarks of our society. Let us not forget them."

And with those words, the incident was concluded, though the memory of Duke Debling's impassioned defense of Penelope Featherington's honor would linger in the minds of all who had borne witness to it.

As the commotion in the garden began to settle and the guests dispersed to resume their activities, Eloise Bridgerton approached her older brother Colin with a stern expression and her disappointment was fully evident in her eyes.

"Colin, I cannot fathom why you did not step forward to defend Penelope's honor when surely, Duke Debling did." Eloise's voice was tinged with reproach as she talks to her brother.

Colin shifted uncomfortably under his younger sister's gaze, a pang of guilt stirring in his chest as he struggled to find a response. "I.. I didn't know what to do. I froze." He admitted sheepishly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Benedict Bridgerton, who had been observing the exchange, stepped forward to join the conversation, his expression solemn. "Eloise is right, brother. As gentlemen, it is our duty to uphold the principles of honor and decency. Duke Debling may have taken the lead, but that does not absolve us of our responsibility." He added with his gentle but firm tone.

Colin's shoulders slumped in defeat as the weight of his inaction settled upon him. He knew his siblings were right, and he felt the sting of shame at his own cowardice. "You're right. I should have done more." He conceded with regret.

Eloise and Benedict shared a knowing glance with concern for their brother. "It's never to late to do better Colin." Eloise reassured him. "But you must learn from this experience and strive to be a better man in the future."

Benedict can only nod in agreement. There are times that their rebellious and spirited sister becomes a lady full of wisdom, and right now, she is just that. With a nod of understanding, Colin resolved to heed his siblings' advise and to make amends for his lapse in judgment. Though the incident had been a humbling one, he had become more determined to prove himself worthy of the title of gentleman and uphold the values of honor and integrity in all his actions moving forward. Especially if it involves Penelope Featherington.

Lady Danbury observed Penelope Featherington's still surprised expression and, sensing her unsettled state, invited her for a walk to discuss the events that had just transpired. As they strolled through the gardens, Lady Danbury inquired gently about Penelope's feelings, recognizing that she might be feeling responsible for the altercation.

"Penelope my dear." Lady Danbury began, her voice soft and comforting, "How are you feeling? I can see that you're still quite taken aback by what happened."

Penelope hesitated for a moment before responding, her thoughts still swirling with confusion and uncertainty. "I... I'm not sure." She admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I never expected things to escalate like that."

Lady Danbury nodded understandingly, her gaze gentle as she regarded Penelope. "You must understand, my dear, that Duke Thomas Debling is not a violent man by nature." She explained, her tone reassuring. "What you witnessed was a rare display of his protective instincts, particularly when it comes to those he cares about."

Penelope listened attentively as Lady Danbury shared insights into Duke Debling's character, her curiosity piqued by the glimpse into his past. "Did you know him when he was younger?" She asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Lady Danbury smiled knowingly, recalling memories of Thomas Debling's childhood. "Indeed, I did." She confirmed, her voice tinged with fondness. "Thomas inherited his dukedom at a remarkably young age, just sixteen years old, if memory serves. He had to shoulder the responsibilities of being Duke of Northumberland and Earl of Beverley after his father's untimely passing."

Penelope's eyes widened in surprise at the revelation, her admiration for Duke Debling growing with each detail Lady Danbury shared. "He sacrificed his studies at university to protect his family and their lands." Lady Danbury continued, her tone filled with admiration. "He took on the role of guardian for his mother and their estate, facing challenges that would have daunted men twice his age."

Lady Danbury, her voice tinged with admiration, continued to share tales of Duke Thomas Debling's courage and strength as she walked alongside Penelope. "You see, Penelope.." She began, her tone resolute, "Thomas Debling is a man of exceptional bravery. He has faced adversaries far fiercer than Lord Fife on many occasions."

As they strolled through the serene surroundings of the palace grounds, Lady Danbury recounted stories of Duke Debling's valor in defending the northern border territories against foreign invaders. "He has led his men into battle countless times." She explained, her words resonating with reverence. "His unwavering dedication to protecting his people knows no bounds.

Penelope listened intently, her initial apprehension gradually giving way to a sense of reassurance. Lady Danbury's accounts painted a vivid picture of Duke Debling as a formidable and capable leader, instilling a newfound sense of confidence in Penelope's heart.

"And rest assured, my dear." Lady Danbury continued, her tone soothing, "Thomas Debling is in excellent physical health. A mere scuffle with Lord Fife is unlikely to have left any lasting harm."

Penelope nodded, her mind finally at ease as she absorbed Lady Danbury's words of wisdom. With each step they took, she felt a growing sense of admiration for the man who had come to her defense so gallantly.

"My lady, may I go visit him? I just want to make sure he's fine." Penelope asks the matron for permission. As she is Agatha's ward for the week, the senior matron must be fully aware on all of her accounts.

"Of course, my dear. I believe a visit from you would be most welcome."  

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