Chapter 2: Bridgerton House

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Bridgerton House

Members of the esteemed Bridgerton family have forever been busy since their arrival back in London. Today, together with the oldest son, Viscount Anthony Bridgerton and his newly wedded wife, Kate will be coming to the Queen's palace as they will present Francesca as a debutante. All the siblings will tag along as to support the third daughter. Even the ever-stubborn Eloise have allowed all her maids' effort, without defiance, to let her appearance be fitting for an audience with her Majesty the Queen.

"Everyone ready then?" Anthony asks his family as he offers his arm to his wife Kate, the new viscountess. All of his siblings answered him in unison as they take flight down from their grand staircase.

"Very well. Mother, Kate and I will take the first carriage. You, Francesca and Eloise will follow through. And Benedict will take care of Hyacinth and Gregory at the next."

"As you said." Violet Bridgerton glances at her back quickly to take a final look at the rest of her children, making sure that everyone's appearance is neat and tidy.

As Anthony starts the short march towards the front entrance of their estate where their carriages lie await, he saw a familiar face that stopped everyone from their tracks.

"Colin!" Benedict was the first one who burst out hugging the family's third brother who had just returned from his travels.

"Benedict. Anthony." Colin Bridgerton gave his eldest brother and his wife a nod as he acknowledges the proper greeting for the head of their family. He then stepped closer to his mother Violet as he gave the matriarch a kiss on her cheek.

"Mother. Still elegant as ever I see." Violet just smiled as she squeezes the arms of her third son. Colin have been dressed in peculiar clothes unfitting to the trend in society, but the features on his face is still the same. Save from the growing stubbles around his mouth and the developed muscles on his physique.

"Brother, have you brought any gifts?" Gregory and Hyacinth were altogether excited upon the return of their charming brother, but more so expectant on the souvenir items he brought from his travels.

"Of course. How can I forget?" Colin said as he pats the heads of his younger siblings. "The carriage with my belongings will be arriving here within the day." He motioned for their butler Humboldt to take care of the preparations once his baggage for the past six months arrives at their estate. The butler understood his assignment.

Eloise and Francesca just quickly welcomed their brother as they pass on him towards their carriage. The two ladies were very happy for Colin's return but knew that there are much more important matters at hand. The man felt curious as to why his sisters are not giving him that much of attention.

"You all going somewhere?" Colin asked looking at everyone's faces.

"Well, my brother. Today is the day when our Franny will be presented to the Queen." Benedict pats his brother's tired shoulders. Colin looked at Francesca from head to toe, now noticing the white cream dress she wears and the enormous feathers adorning her hair.

"A­h. That already?" Colin could not believe that another of his sibling is now going to debut into the society. He has been gone for about six months and now his third sister will be up on the marriage mart. What will be next, Hyacinth's turn? He thought to himself.

"You and your travels." Violet raises both of her eyebrows as she shows sentiment on Colin's frequent travel escape. She does love all of her children and supports everything that will make them happy and settled. She has so many plans for Colin's matchmaking but before she can orchestrate anything, her son flees off to a foreign country escaping her clutches. "Now, we do not want to be late for the Queen's audience. As much as we want to be with you on this beautiful day, we can not afford to offend her majesty with your.. unpreparedness my dear." The mother of eight says.

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