Chapter 23: Repercussions

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Lady Danbury, her expression stern and commanding, turned to those who had witnessed the brawl in the garden, her eyes ablaze with curiosity and concern. For this was the one of the rarest times that Duke Thomas Debling shows his outburst. "I demand an explanation." The lioness declared, her voice cutting through the murmurs and whispers that filled the air. "What has transpired here? Why have two noblemen of high society resorted to such ungentlemanly behavior for all to see?" Agatha demands an answer for her to be prepared what to tell the Queen once news of the Duke launching onto a fistfight reaches the royal's ears.

Colin Bridgerton, feeling the weight of Lady Danbury's scrutiny upon him, stepped forward with a sense of trepidation. "Lady Danbury," the third Bridgerton boy began, his voice tinged with unease. "It all started with Lord Fife."

Lady Danbury's brow furrowed in displeasure as she listened to Colin's account, her disapproval evident on her aged face and her expression was growing more severe with each passing moment. "Go on." Agatha prompted with her tone ever sharp with expectation.

Colin's voice was hesitant as he recounted the crude remarks and inappropriate comments made about Penelope. "He was making disparaging remarks about Miss Featherington, insinuating... things that were not fit to be spoken aloud." All eyes were then turned towards the dirtied face of Fife who were now able to stand to his feet.

Lady Danbury's eyes narrowed in displeasure as she continued to listen to Colin's account, her disapproval still evident. "And how did Duke Debling become involved?" she interjected, her tone sharp with concern.

Colin swallowed nervously, acutely aware of the gravity of the situation as he continued to recount the events that had led to the altercation. "Duke Debling arrived just as Lord Fife was making his remarks.. He overheard what was being said and.. well, he reacted." Colin explained as his voice tinged with regret.

Lady Danbury's expression softened slightly as she absorbed Colin's explanation, though her disapproval still not being removed on her features. "And what did Duke Debling do?" she pressed, her tone expectant.

Colin hesitated, his gaze dropping to the ground as he recounted the confrontation between Duke Debling and Lord Fife. "He gave Fife a blow and demanded that Fife apologize to Miss Featherington," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "Fife did no such thing and returned a punch for the duke."

Lady Danbury's brow furrowed in concern as she processed Colin's words, the weight of the situation settling heavily upon her shoulders. "This is most distressing," she murmured, her tone filled with regret. "But I suppose we cannot fault Duke Debling for defending Miss Featherington's honor."

"Lord Fife," Lady Danbury addressed him sternly, her eyes narrowing in disapproval. "Is this true? Did you make such disparaging remarks about Miss Featherington?"

Lord Fife, visibly chastened by the attention and the weight of his actions, nodded hesitantly. "I... I apologize, Lady Danbury." He admitted, his voice filled with remorse. "I meant no harm. It was thoughtless of me."

A heavy silence fell over the garden as Lord Fife's apology hung in the air, the gravity of his words sinking in among the assembled guests. Lady Danbury's expression softened slightly as she regarded him, her disappointment tempered by a sense of understanding.

"See that it does not happen again," she admonished him firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument. "Such behavior is unbecoming of a gentleman."

With a nod of acquiescence, Lord Fife offered a final, apologetic glance in Penelope Featherington's direction before retreating from the gathering, his head bowed in contrition.

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