Sophie soon came bounding over, her eyes red and bloodshot. Clearly, she'd been crying.

"What the hell happened?" Agatha asked as her best friend slammed her tray down and sat in front of her.

"U-uglification." Sophie let out a sob, and Agatha frowned.

"Uglification? Really? I see no difference, Sophie." She sighed.

"THAT'S BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO TASTE!" Sophie cried, storming away as quickly as she'd come. Agatha stared after her, blinking.

"Ohh, now I see it. The damaged ego was the uglifying." She grinned, changing her mind about the food and grabbing Sophie's tray, before realising it too, was a soggy gloop. She stole an apple from her previous tray, which Dot had claimed, and got up herself, walking back to the Ever side to sit with Mal and Evie.

"What happened with Sophie?" Evie asked as soon as her butt hit the seat.


"That's a lesson?"

"No. Just Uglification, but for Sophie, the only thing it made uglier was her ego. Can't quite tell if it made it grow or not, God knows what she said to get out of it."

"Didn't work, if she's acting like that." Mal scoffed, giving Agatha a look.

"I gave my food to Sophie's roommates, I knew you'd share some with me. Also, it would make me sick."

"You don't care about sickness, Agatha. You always say you hope it'll kill you once and for all."

"Sorry if my trail of thought offends you."

"It does, actually."

"Great! I'll be sure to mention it more often."

Mal sneered at her while Evie snickered, passing Agatha her soufflé. Agatha grinned, giving it a suspicious sniff before digging in. She raised her eyebrows when she swallowed. "No poison, Evie? No proving you're as Evil as your mother?"

"She can stick to the poison, I'll go some other way." Evie let out a small laugh.

"Well, we're in Good, so good luck with that." Mal said, smirking slightly.

Agatha's head suddenly hurt, and her vision went dark, her legs jellying. Mal jerked to her feet to catch her when she fell in a dead faint. People stared, confused, as the crazed Isle kid who'd tried to break the barrier between Good and Evil was carried out by her twin sister.


Mal hated everything about Auradon, from the colour scheme, to the people. All of it. But she especially hated the impact it was having on her sister. Sure, the Isle was absolute shit, but at least it wasn't trauma Agatha was left to think about for the rest of her life knowing it would never happen again but she still couldn't get it out of her head. Somehow, that hurt more than the things being done. The suicide attempts, the blood all over her room and daggers in a stash under the floorboards, the times she begged for food, the days she went without anything, the birthdays and punishments, the stalkers, the tortured screams coming from Maleficent's makeshift 'lair' as she bled out, needles and knives stuck in every crevice of her body except her neck, where a rope lay. Maleficent would work day in and day out to find something that would kill Agatha, something that would end the unwanted daughter's life. Something she'd been focusing on for so long, she'd forgotten to raise the older twin to be the second Dark Fairy, and instead, raised the latter to despise her. The entire clan of siblings loathed their mother. Yes, they were terrified of her, but it didn't mean they hated her down to her bones, and would stop at nothing to avenge Agatha. To avenge all of them, in fact. Their childhoods. Death was too kind for that level of Evil, they said. It would take centuries to properly get the appropriate revenge.

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