"Hey Hanna."

"Hey, how are you and the baby?" I smiled.

"We're fine. I just woke up from a nap." I said as I began to run my hand through Emily's hair. She stirred in her sleep a little but didn't wake up.

"We're supposed to be coming there at the end of next week. So tell her to just stay in until then." I laughed.

"I don't think it works like that Han." She laughed. I looked down at Emily again and saw her looking up at me. I mouthed 'Hanna' and she raised her eyebrows, smiled a little then yawned.

"I know. She's gonna come when she wants but just letting you know, we can't wait to see y'all."

"I can't wait to see you guys also. I miss you guys so much." Tears welled up in my eyes but didn't fall.

"Yeah yeah. Let's stop before you start crying." I laughed and there was a light knock on the door. Mom poked her head in and told me that she just cut up some fruit that I can snack on until dinner's ready.

"Han, I love you but I have to go to the bathroom and then my mom told me to come downstairs. I'll call you later."

"Love you too Ali. Talk to you later." With that we hung up.

"Em..." She raised her head and looked at me. "I gotta go to the bathroom. She smiled and stood up and helped me out of the bed before she plopped back onto it. I smiled and shook my head as I walked into the bathroom. When I walked out she was sitting up on the bed and she looked up at me and smiled.

"Mom cut my fruit up." She laughed a little and got up and walked over to me.

"Do you want to put on a shirt before we go down?"

"I completely forgot I didn't have one on." She smiled a little before she got my shirt that fell on the floor as we slept and helped me put it on. "Thank you baby."

"Well I can say that whenever we start to live together, I'm gonna save on the heating bill." I smacked my lips and lightly hit her shoulder.

"Shut up, it's not that cold in here."

"Als the air and the ceiling fan are on. Why do you think I'm in this hoodie?" I rolled my eyes. "I just hope Isabel isn't born wrapped in ice."

"Oh my god. Let's go. I'm hungry." She said as she pulled me out of the bedroom and we made our way down the stairs. When we got to the kitchen we saw that mom set up a charcuterie board with fruit, meats and cheeses.

"Grab what you want, dinner will be ready in at least a half an hour." Mom said as she handed me a bowl of fruit.

"Thanks mom." I said as I looked at Emily pile her plate up.

"What?" She asked when I laughed.

"Are you sure you got enough?" she smacked her lips.

"I'm hungry."

"You want to go get something to eat, like fries or something?"

"No, your mom's making pot roast and you know I love her pot roast. Gotta save room." She said as she put her hand on her stomach and I shook my head. My dad walked in the kitchen and glanced at me before walking over to my mom.

"Come on, let's go watch tv while we eat." Emily said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the living room. "Ali?"

" We'll talk about it later."

"You don't even know what I'm about to say." She said as she put a piece of cheese in her mouth.

"You're going to say I should talk to my dad and I'm gonna say that I don't want to do that."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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