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"Babe, I'm hungry. Can we get something to eat from there?" I looked in the direction that Ali was pointing and shook my head.

"How about we stop at the Diner after this? This processed food isn't good for you or the baby." She smiled and nodded her head.

"Okay." I noticed that her smile faded as she sat down.

"Would you like a croissant and water?" Her eyes lit up as she nodded.

"Chocolate?" She asked and I smiled.

"Be right back." I said as I kissed her forehead and headed over to the stand to order the croissant. The guy said it'll be a little wait cause it's baked fresh. I told him that it was fine as I looked back at Ali. She was looking at videos on her phone with her airpods in.

Minutes passed before the guy handed me a bag and a cold bottle of water from the fridge. I said Thank you to him before turning around to walk over to Ali. When I did, an older lady was sitting in my seat with her back to me, talking to Ali. She must have been saying something funny cause Ali was laughing. I rushed over when I saw the lady place her hand on Ali's stomach.

"Here's your croissant babe." I said as I handed Ali the bag and the water bottle. I turned to confront the lady about putting her hand on Ali's stomach but couldn't get the words out. The lady smiled at me as she stood from her seat and wrapped her arms around. "I missed you so much mom." I said as I rubbed her back.

"Awe, I missed you too sweetheart." She pulled away and placed her hands on my cheeks and smiled.

"Where's dad?" I asked as I looked around.

"Should be coming around soon. He had to use the restroom. I was following him when I saw Alison sitting here. Ali looked up at us and smiled as she chewed. "You know, processed foods aren't good for her or the baby." I rolled my eyes a little.

"I know mom, it's a croissant and it was baked fresh." She smiled and before I knew it another set of arms wrapped around me. I looked down and instantly recognized the tattoo on his hand and turned in his arms. "Hi Papa." I said as I laid my head on my dad's chest.

"Hi, my Emmy." He kissed my forehead and a huge smile appeared on his face when he looked over at Ali. She was standing, waiting for our hug to end.

"Hi Mr. Fields." She said as she came closer to us. He pulled her in a hug then pulled back to put his hand on her stomach.

After the small reunion, my dad and I loaded the trunk with the bags,mostly moms cause dad only had a duffel bag and a suitcase. We then got in and headed towards the diner.

"Oh, this is a nice place." My mom said as she walked in the diner. "I know it looks weird from the outside. At least that's what I thought when I first came here with Ali, but the staff is so nice and it's really clean." She nodded her head and went over to Ali and sat down next to her across from her.

"You kind of lost your girlfriend for the day, little one." My dad said while chuckling a little. I looked at the two and smiled.

"It's okay, I'm just happy she's not mad."

"Of course she is not mad. We were young once too, you know?"

"I know, but you guys had me when you were adults."

"I know twenty six is over the legal age, but we still didn't know what the hell we were doing. You two have us, and you have Jessica and Kenneth." I shook my head a little.

"I'm not so sure about Mr. DiLaurentis." He narrowed his eyes.

"Why is that?"

"Well-" I looked over at Ali and she was talking to my mom. "Nevermind dad. Let's order." I walked up the counter and the lady smiled.

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