Pilot part 2: New friends

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Authors note: I HIGLY recommend that you watch the first episode of Murder Drones before you read this chapter, otherwise everthing will be very confusing.


(Y/N)'s POV

(Stop at 0:36)

The first thing I noticed when I awoke was my head hurting. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed I was still in the seat I sat down in when I quickly got in the escape pod.

I pressed the button to release the handles that held me in my seat and got up. I tried to take some steps forward but felt dizzy and leant against one of the walls of the pod while clutching my head with one of my hands.

"Fuck me, that panel really hurt" I thought out loud.

After a minute or two, my dizziness and headache slowly subsided and I stopped leaning against the wall of the pod and looked around.

The pod was a mess, multiple systems were fried and smoking, my bag with supplies had opened and spilled the contents everywhere and the big screen on one side of the pod gave multiple error messages.

I sighed. "That was a really rough landing huh?" I asked myself.

I got to work, I picked up all my stuff and put them back in my bag. I looked at the damaged systems to see if I could possibly repair them. I couldn't, I needed tools and components to fix them, the latter of which I did not have.

I decided to get out of the pod to see where I had landed and explore the area.

I climbed up the ladder and opened the hatch and climbed out of the pod and proceeded to stand on the top if it and looked around.

I seemed to have landed in a snowy field near a forest. I could also see some building in the distance, they looked like skyscrapers. It was also nighttime, if my guess was right it was around 2 AM, it seems like I was knocked out for at least a day.

I held my bag firmly in my hands, unfolded my wings from my back and flew up into the sky towards the city.

1 hour and 15 minutes later

Narrator POV

(Y/N) arrived in the city and landed on top of one of the skyscarpers to take a good view of the area.

(Y/N) looked around and saw that the city was in a state of disrepair. Many buildings were damaged and some had even collapsed.

"Damn, that collapse of the core really wrecked havoc didn't it? The constant snowstorms also didn't really help

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"Damn, that collapse of the core really wrecked havoc didn't it? The constant snowstorms also didn't really help." (Y/N) thought out loud.

He noticed that there was a small building on the roof with a door, probably the way to get into the building from the roof. He walked to the door and opened it. Surprisingly, it wasn't locked.

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