"Hmm," smiled Zayn studying us with content curiosity.

They sat with us and Louis placed his arm around me and rubbed his buckled on my head, I squirmed to pull him off.

"Are you... You know... A thing?" Asked Harry.

"What type of thing?"

"Obviously," I said pushing Louis away, "that ONE thing,"

The laughed at my joke.

"But seriously," said Zayn, his eyes scanning us for flaws or cracks, "are you together?"

For a moment, in his voice, I heard the tight cry of jealousy.

"I popped the question but she said no,"

"Aw," the boys chorused.

"You are famous," I said apologetically, "I can't handle the fame just like you can't handle me ,"

"You wanna beat," he flirted kissing me again.

"Ew, god, stop it," groaned Niall, "public displays, really?" He rolled his eyes, "save it for the plane."

"Speaking of planes, here it is," noted Paul coming over with his own coffee and leading us away to the plane.

We boarded the plane and the boys took their seats. I went to sit on my own but Louis caught my hand and pulled me down onto his lap.

"Oi!" I laughed as he hugged me tightly.

I sat in my own seat next to him and he kissed my cheek.

"You are beautiful," he hummed.

"Shh," I hushed putting in headphones. He pulled one out and stole my iPod to choose a song.

"There's no me on this," he laughed.

"I don't like you," I giggled winking at him.

"Oh, don't be mean," he scrolled three my songs and found something he liked.

I finished my coffee and binned it just as we began to take off.

Niall lay in his seat humming something with his guitar strung across his lap. Harry and Liam played an old game of battleships. Zayn wore his headphones and sat right t the back on his own listing I his music as loud as he could.

Louis and I just talked.

I didn't know anything about him.

I also checked my phone.

My mum was freaking so I called her.

Louis even chatted to her for a bit.

She was happy I had a boyfriend even though I told her we were really an item. She even spent ten minutes telling Louis the story of my ex which was embarrassing. When the call was finished and we began landing Louis brought it up again.

"Your mum said your last boyfriend cheated on you,"

I paused and sighed, "yeah, three months ago,"

"Are you okay?"

I laughed, "yeah! I broke up with him, the other girl told me and she cheated on him with another guy and isn't know he had a girlfriend until she found my contact on his phone," I leaned on his shoulder.

"She was my neighbor, the girl from the restaurant, she is obsessed with you guys,"

Louis smiled and brushed hair behind my ear, "he's not even that good looking, why'd he cheat on you? You could do way better,"

This upset me.

"For one, looks don't matter, he cheated on me because surprisingly I wasn't pretty enough for him and at that time I couldn't do any better, no guy would take a second glance at me, no one cared about me, and now people do care because I have a sex-god boyfriend!"

"I'm a sex-god am I?"

"Shut up," I playfully slapped his chest.

"And I'm your boyfriend! I don't think I'm ready for his type of commitment!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Appearances don't matter to me," he said.

"Really?" I asked, "You only noticed me when I was all pretty,"

"That's not true," he glared, "when I first ran into you and caught you buying tampons," I blushed uncontrollably, "I thought you were so sweet, so kind, so different and that's what makes you beautiful."

"Did you mean to quote your own song?"

"Yeah," he kissed me as we landed in Auckland.

The sort-of-but-not-really-a-fanfic of One DirectionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora