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I felt a cold towel press against my head. Sweat beads rolling down my forehead to my neck and nestle in my collar bone. He leaned over me pulling the sheets higher over my body.

I opened my eyes. The body guard smiled at me. A blonde skimpy woman sat legs crossed on a chair by the door. Note pad and pen in hand with a cell phone pressed against her air.

"Paul, darling, this girl, I don't know if you've meet her but she is in no way suitable to be associated with the boys, Higgs, you seem to be illusional, yeah, yeah a makeup job could be done but she's going to need some serious work. " she stopped for a moment jotted down something onto her note pad, "meet you at nandos, five, okay okay Pauly see you there."

She hung up the phone and smiled a cheesy fake smile at me that said 'you are just a piece of filth to me,'

I didn't return the smile. My head hurt.

She was classic Essex bitch. Pompous, snotty stuck up trout.

"Sweety," she said pressing her index fingers to her pursed her tinted red fleshy lips and sighed, "unfortunately, that contract you signed said that if you are in any danger while the band one direction is in your country we have the job of protecting you,"

I didn't respond.

"So, you, to my dissatisfaction, must, for now, until the dangers out of the way, travel and stay with the safety security and surveillance."



"No," nt.

"Well," she grunted,"you clearly don't have a choice, go about his on your own and you'll be tormented by paparazzi."

"Like you said, 'I'm not suitable for the boys', obviously to you I am not popular enough for your publicity,"

She glared at me.

"You will have your make up and hair done every morning before departure you will be dressed and choreographed."

I climbed out of bed. The body guard opens the door for the blonde lady, "My name is Tilly Pots," she said slamming the door behind her.

What a suck up slut, I was not happy about his new arrangement.

This was going to be a disaster!

The sort-of-but-not-really-a-fanfic of One DirectionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon