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Taylor POV

I am doing my first Europe show after the long break, and it is exhausting. I take my final bows and head down the stage, I wish Travis was here. I get in the car and we head to the hotel and I flop on the couch and turn on the TV when ever I think if TV I think of Taylor Version, I am damaging myself. i see the latest headline and frown.

"Putin latest attack on Ukraine" This gives me an idea

Me: Tree can I donate to the Ukrainians??

Tree: It is your money......

Tree: how much?

Taylor: 20,000

Tree: Ok

Travis POV

I am scroll through my phone, when I see a article that interests me.

"Taylor Swift donates 20,000 to Ukraine"

I smile, my girl is always helping others.

I know that was short, but I did this because I saw that one of my readers on Wattpad was Ukrainian and that made me think of them. Having Ukrainian parents, I know how difficult it is. Luckily I was born and raised in North America, I just wanted to wish Ukrainians good luck!

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