"Adjective. And no. You're a clone, not an adjective," Wolffe answered. He pinched the bridge of his nose and turned to the one two places down on his left. "You. Favourite adjective. Go."


Wolffe scowled. "What?"

"Balls," the cadet said again.

"That's not an adjective. An adjective is a descriptive word," Wolffe tiredly explained.

"Well this game is balls," the cadet angrily said, crossing his arms.

"This isn't a game. It's an exercise," Wolffe lectured. "And where did you even learn that phrase?"

"Someone came'ere yesterday. His name was Stinker."

Wolffe perked up. "Sinker?"

"Yeah. Him." Balls cadet nodded. "When's this game over? It's balls."

"Stop saying balls," Wolffe ordered. "And again, this isn't a game."

"Balls!" Friendly screeched. "Balls!"

They all started chanting balls.

"No. I said not to say balls!" Wolffe resisted the urge to facepalm. "And maybe we should move on."

A small child clambered onto Wolffe's lap, pressing their faces together. He whispered, "I need to go pee."

Wolffe shoved him away. "Then don't climb on me! Go to the refresher!"

"Happy usually takes us. He says it's because we get lost a lot, but I think it's because he doesn't want us getting lonely." The cadet that needed to pee started dancing around. "I need to pee!"

Wolffe gritted his teeth. "Fine. I'll take you to the 'fresher." He stood up. "The rest of you, don't leave this room."

The pee cadet grasped Wolffe's hand. "Happy says not to let go of his hand so we don't get lost."

"Fine." Wolffe gave the cadets he was leaving behind one last filthy look. "Don't leave this room."

"Yes, Not-Happy!" One of them saluted.

"I'm Commander Wolffe." Wolffe started leading the child hanging onto his arm out of the room. 

They walked down the hallways with the cadet looking around wide-eyed. Wolffe sighed and pointed ahead at the 'fresher. 

"There it is. Make sure you wash your hands," Wolffe reminded him. He shooed the younger clone away and leaned against the wall outside as he waited.

"Hey, Wolffe. What are you doing?" Warthog asked as he walked towards him.

"Find Sinker and tell him if he corrupts the cadets again, I will make him be a training dummy for my cadets," Wolffe commanded. 

Warthog snorted. "Corrupting the cadets? How bad can it be? They're nearly finished their training so I doubt it's anything they haven't heard before." 

"Wolffe," Pee Kid whined from inside the 'fresher, "I need help."

Warthog's eyebrows went up. "Who the kriff is that?" he whispered to Wolffe.

Wolffe ignored him. "Kid, are you sure you need me? I really don't want to go in there."

"I need help," Pee Kid begged. "Please."

Wolffe pushed off the wall. "I'm coming." He entered the 'fresher and showed great restraint by not facepalming. 

The child was standing on the sink, tears running down his face. He was frantically pointing to the corner, sobbing.

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