Chapter 5: The Meaning of Lupical (Razor's Quest)

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"What's with the wolf pack?" Boboiboy asked

"My wolf pack... they are my family." Razor answered which shocked them

Paimon: ...Your family!?

"Wait a minute, you said the wolves are your family. You mean you lived with them?" Boboiboy asked

"Yes. They raised me. We live together. We are family." Razor added

"So many questions..." Paimon has lost in thought

"They are angry with me. I help you, exposed our ambush, boar ran away." Razor asked

"Oh, ah... don't worry, Paimon will get them to catch you another boar. They are stronger than they look." Paimon said

"N—No need. When knights try to help, wolves go hungry..." Razor said

"Don't be silly! Wait here — we won't screw this up, just watch!" Paimon said

"You really want to help? Wolves hunt on instinct. Works every time. But... setting trap sounds fun. First, we set trap. Next, chase boar in — yes? Hope it won't explode..." Razor said in worry

Lumine and Boboiboy started setting up some traps. After a while, they gave three chunks of Raw Meat to Razor

"Haha! Told you we could do it!" Paimon said confidently

"I— thanks, but... ...Wolves catch five or six every hunt... *sigh* Tonight, they go hungry..." Razor said

Paimon: Uh-oh...

"Don't worry. You tried. At least you did better than other knight friend... the red one, burny girl. If she was here, whole mountain is fire. Can't catch even one boar." Razor said which made them curious

'The red burny girl? Is he talking about Amber?' Boboiboy thought

A wolf's howl sounds in the distance...

"I must go now. Here is not safe. Careful. Always watching." Razor said and then left

"What a weirdo... "Burny girl"? From the Knights of Favonius? What is he— Lumine, Boboiboy, who do you think it is?" Paimon asked as they shrugged and thought about who he referred to

-Timeskip to Monstadt City-

They can see Amber standing next to Dandelion

"Hi Paimon, hi Lumine, hi Boboiboy! What can I do for you?" Amber greeted and they waved their hand

"Hi Amber." Boboiboy greeted

"Hi Amber~" Paimon said

"Hey Amber, something has come up..." Lumine reported

"Amber, do you know a wolf boy from Wolvendom?" Paimon asked. Amber titled head in confusion

Amber: Who?

"He said you guys hit it off like a mountain on fire..." Paimon answered

"What on earth are you talking about?" Amber asked

"Strange... He said he would wait for you at your regular spot. Did you lose your memory or something?" Paimon said

"My memory is fine. But you've been eating magic matsutake again, haven't you Paimon? I have no idea what you're talking about." Amber said

"Magic matsutake... Remind me what color they are?" Paimon asked

Amber: Purple.

"...Paimon may have had a couple the other day." Paimon said in embarrassment

The Elemental Hero in Teyvat - Boboiboy x Genshin Impact (Side Quest)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ