The Defeater

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Freya POV

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Freya POV...

A loud "BANG" reverberates through my ears. My heart is pounding faster than normal, but I have no idea why. Not at all! This cannot be it.

"Freya!" All of a sudden, my best friend, Froy, rushes over to me. Like me, there is blood all over his face. In his eyes, colours of fear, grief, wrath, and guilt alternate vividly.

I swear and show him my bleeding hands.

"Froy!" I cry.

I sob, shaking my head a lot in an attempt to control the truth that is now festering within of me, "I killed her, I killed her Froy! I killed Missy."

I'm a murderer.

"Shhh Freya, please look at me!" I lift my face to meet his.

His voice is full of sympathy and irritation as he says, "You just did it for yourself okay? Do you understand!?" I can tell exactly what he means.

This time, he spoke with authority, "Freya, the game is almost over. The next part will be more cruel. Except it as it is okay?" I weep even more.

I see a look of relief flash across his face. He grasps my face with his bleeding hands.

"I don't know if I still can, Froy. But I'll live, I will live Froy, I promise, just please be right here with me."

With all of his love and determination he declares, "I will, Freya, always."

My dearest friend from childhood was Froy. We were each other's greatest and worst enemies. Together, we handled everything. But it wasn't until the previous summer that I started to feel something strange for him. I noticed a change in his movements, words, and smiles. He became my calm, my hero, my saviour. However, I never imagined that things would become more difficult, even before I could make my confession.

We were taken hostage by an unidentified bunch of people who wanted us to kill each other in a foolish game, "Only the strongest will survive." said the game master.

The winner, will be rewarded with billions.

They pick impoverished individuals like us. People destined for poverty on this earth. People who exclusively eat leftovers and crumbs, just to survive. We, who handle everything through prayer because society has never come to terms with the fact that life has defeated us from the very beginning.

I am the same as Froy. He is like a father figure to his six siblings. They were never even given the opportunity to attend school. Froy is the only one here who deserves the prize out of all of us. Due to his goodness, kindness, and empathy. Even if it means putting himself last, he enjoys helping those in need. His soul, in addition to his features, is what gives him his beauty.

"This is the last day Freya. Once we win, we'll get out of here alive. This is not what we wanted I know, but this is the only chance that's been given to us. To us poor people. Once we win, you don't have to be someone I know you never wanted to be."

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