Chapter 20

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Zaid pov

I set a bath for Nadia, after showering I gave her a massage and we cuddled, I went to the mosque for mosque and when I came I found Nadia wrapping her prayer mat. We talked for while then drift back to sleep

I serve Nadia breakfast in bed, I ask her to rest and I will take care of things around the house. We had a lazy day, Just eat, pray and sleep

Nadia's pov

The girls are here, I made a lot of food and snacks for us just like Zarah wanted but she seems lost and quiet today. "Are you okay" I asked and she nod "I'm okay" but I could read the lie in her eyes, we talked, danced and play games, Zarah tried to act okay and strong but the sadness shows on her face

"Did Ya Muhammad do something?" I asked and she shook her head "No, I told you we are not dating, he is like a brother to me" she said and I nod saying "why don't you go upstairs and rest" I said "Thank you, I needed that" she said as she stood

30 minutes later, Ya Muhammad's car pulled over, after we exchanged greetings, Zarah came downstairs and they excuse themselves saying they have something important to talk about

15 minutes later, Zarah came back in crying, I asked what happened but she ran upstairs, thankfully Labiba and Laura are in the kitchen. I went to see Ya Muhammad but he stormed out of the house angrily speeding up

Labiba and Laura left and Zarah is still in the guest room upstairs. Zaid came back from work and he is resting now

I start getting worried about Zarah so I went to the guest room, knocking on the door when Zaid came "What are you doing? who's in there?" He asked and before I could answer Zarah opened the door with bloodshot eyes "What's wrong?" Zaid asked worried, "Nothing, I'm not feeling well" she answered "No I don't believe you" He said, "Ya Zaid, I don't want to go back home, can I just stay here" she asked and he nod "Ofcourse you can, I will tell Ammi" and she thank him, He walked away knowing she is not going to tell him what happened but he will find out

Zarah dragged me with her into the room, we sat on the couch and she told me "I'm getting married" "What?! When? To who?" I questioned "Dikko, His name is Dikko Bala" she replied and that's it, I understood that she don't want to talk so I let her be.

I found Zaid cooking in the kitchen, he looked at me and asked "Did she tell you what happened?" "You know she's getting married right?" I said and he frowned "Who's getting married?" "Zarah" i answered like it is the most obvious thing in the world, "Impossible, who is she marrying?" he said dropping the knife he was using taking his phone from the kitchen table, "Dikko Bala" i answered and he said "Hell No" leaving and I carried on with the cooking, I called Zarah to eat, after eating, we watched a movie together

Third person's pov

Zaid asked Zarah if someone is forcing her into the marriage and she said "No, it is my choice to marry him, I want to marry him" but he didn't believe her and he can't believe nobody told him about this, Dikko is not a good man and he will never let him sister marry him

Ya Muhammad is having mixed feelings but most of all he feels betrayed by Zarah, he feels like a fool for trusting her but a part of him tells him that she is lying and she loves him. He drowns in work to distract himself from what he was feeling but he can't escape it

Zarah cried at night and smiles at the daytime, she loves Muhammad but her parents decided she is getting married to someone she hate with every fiber of her being. The poor girl is unhappy, she feels like her parents are being unfair towards her because Laila is not married and no one is forcing her into getting married to someone she don't like, although Abba said she will be getting married soon, Everyone knows Laila and Al-Amin are dating maybe there's why

2 months later

Nadia and Zaid are living happily, Zaid stops denying his feelings for Nadia and Nadia too acknowledges her love for Zaid. Zaid is planning on telling her soon. Today Nadia and Zaid visit the Yusuf's

Nadia, Zarah and Laila are talking when their family friends daughter named Walida salaam-ed and they answered in chorus and exchanged greetings. Carry on their conversation

Ammi called them downstairs and told them that Laila's marriage is going to be fixed tomorrow, congratulation are coming from everywhere and immediately after Lailah's wedding, Zarah's wedding is going to take place.

Nadia and Zarah went outside sitting in the gazebo, then Nadia saw something that made her eyes dropped, she looked at Zarah and she's about to explode with anger. Walida and Muhammad sitting hand in hand with her head on his shoulder, he said something to her making her laugh and then she looked at him whispering into his ear and he smirked looking straight into Zarah's eyes as he whispers someone into Walida's ear and she blushed hard, he stood and held his hand out to Walida which she gladly take and they walk away

Zarah breakdown right there saying "I love him fah, I love him" Nadia asked "who" and Zarah replied "Muhammad, I don't want to marry Dikko but they insist and there is nothing I can do about it, it hurts so much and look at the stunt he just pulled knowing I'm watching him" Nadia hugged her advising her to talk to Zaid about it he will know what to do, 2 months ago when Nadia asked her brother about Zarah, he said it is a one sided thing and She told him "No it is not, Zarah loves him" but He refused to believe her

Next day/Zaid's pov

I was on the phone with Muhammad when Zarah came in without even knocking"Zarah I have warned you multiple times about knoc-" He started but when he saw her face he immediately stood asking "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Ya Zaid please help me, I couldn't sleep at all last night, I love Muhammad, Abba insists that I marry Dikko, I took fake pills thinking he will let me be when he sees what Im going to do but he slapped me multiple times saying I must marry Dikko, I deserve the slaps but still... I lied to Muhammad that he means nothing to me. I don't want to marry Dikko. The reason I lied to you when you asked is because I know you will not allow it and Abba will be more unhappy with me, now I understand I can't do it" she said and then continue "Please don't tell Muhammad about this because he will lose it"

That's when I remember I was on a call with Muhammad when she came in so the call is ongoing, I checked the phone and I saw he just hang up, I know he heard everything. I called Nadia to take her to the guest room because she is not going back home until I make sure the wedding is cancelled

25 minutes later, Muhammad arrived looking for Zarah, we excused them to talk so I go spend time with my wife.

"We have been married 3-4 months" i said mesmerizing memories, "Yes, remain few months" Nadia said and my heart sank "Do you mean by that?" I asked and She said "Remember that one year thing, you will divorce me after one year" what is all this about, we are not fighting or something then why is she bringing this up, we are living in peace and I thought we were going to try make things work and it is working

"I will not" i said "You will" she replied "I will not" i said getting angry "You will" she said "I don't want to divorce you, I can't even breath properly without you, I want you close to me" i said and she kept quiet looking at me

"I am in love with you Nadia, I love you. I don't want to lose you." I said and her eyes widened "I love you" she kept quiet looking at me and I thought maybe I shouldn't have said it, "Than- Thank you" she replied "Thank you? For what!" I said annoyed walking out of the room. I saw Muhammad and Zarah talking but I ignored them leaving the house


Nadia what is this?
Wai Thank you 😭😭💔
Su Zarah da Muhammad an shirya

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