I was on my laptop doing some software stuff while Leo was watching Davenport work on one of his inventions. He was currently trying to put two wires together but they were thin so he had to use a magnifying glass.

"What's that?" I heard Leo ask. I heard some zapping and a little thud.

"It's a modulator." Davenport replied with some more zapping.

"What's it do?" Leo asked again which probably made Davenport even more frustrated.

"It modulates. Duh!" I answered, not taking my eyes off of the screen.

"Thank you!" Davenport said to me and continued with the zapping.

"Why?" Leo asked once again and that made me mad.

"Because that's what it is built for!" I answered angrily while standing up and placing it on my chair.

"Leo, even your breathing is distracting! You're like a tiny Darth Vader! Do me a favor and just put away those components away, okay?" Davenport told Leo.

"Keep in mind they're very-" I tried to warn but Leo swiped them into a box. "Fragile..." I cringed at the loud sounds they made.

"This is taking forever. When do we get to mix stuff with other stuff and blow stuff up?!" Leo asked me and Davenport while doing hand gestures in front of Davenport's face.

"Leo, science isn't about blowing stuff up!" Davenport answered by also doing a hand gesture in front of Leo's face. "It's about focus and getting into the zone. Here, let me show you, okay?" Davenport started to do weird hand gestures in front and around his head. Me and Leo both looked at each other with questioning looks and then looked back at Davenport, who had weird bug eyes. "And we're in!" He connected the wires and the modulator activated.

"See, now they're connected. Now can you please go get my compressed air canister?" Davenport told him, not taking his eyes off the modulator.

"You got it!" Leo hoped towards it and carried it for a bit.

"And Leo, don't-" I started to warn him but I was too late. Leo tossed it, expecting him to catch it, but he didn't. They air sprung out and made the canister seem like a missile with no target. I didn't duck in time so I got hit in the eye and I fell down with my hand covering my eye. The canister kept flying until it hit the modulator, thus making it destroyed.

"Got a little kick to it--Destiny! You alright?!" Leo ran over to me and I leaned onto the wall.

"Yeah, but the canister hit me in the eye." I was still covering my eye and Davenport squatted down on the other side of me.

"Here, let's see if it's bad." Davenport grabbed my wrist and I dropped my hand.

"It's bad, right?" I asked them. They nodded and I stood up with the wall as my support.

"I'm gonna get an ice pack. You two just do whatever." I used whatever was near as my support as I walked into the elevator and went into the kitchen with a surprised and worried Tasha waiting for me.

"Destiny! What happened?! Here let me get an ice pack for you." Tasha went into the refrigerator and got one for me. I pressed it onto my eye and I thanked her.

"What happened!?" She asked me once again as she helped sit on the stool.

"A compressed air canister went off and it hit me in the eye." I explained to her.

"What! Who set it off?!" I heard someone ask from behind me. I spun around to see a worried Bree.

"Leo, but it was on an accident." I waved it off.

The Hidden Bionic (~Lab Rats FF: Season 1~) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now