Can you repeat the question?

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Lost in thought, I sat in my lecture hall, the professor's voice fading into the background as my mind wandered to thoughts of Blake. Images of her walking into the room, her eyes locked on mine with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine, filled my mind.

As the professor droned on, I couldn't help but imagine Blake crossing the room, her steps purposeful and determined. And before I knew it, she was standing in front of me, her gaze smoldering with desire.

In my mind's eye, Blake leaned in closer, her lips tantalizingly close to mine. The air between us crackled with electricity as our lips met in a fiery kiss, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through my veins.

But just as things were heating up, the professor's voice cut through the haze of my daydream, pulling me back to reality with a jolt. "Miss Thompson, do you have the answer to my question?" he asked, his tone laced with annoyance.

I blinked, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment as I realized that I had been lost in my own fantasy while the rest of the class had moved on. "Um, sorry, could you repeat the question?" I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper.

The professor sighed, clearly unimpressed by my lack of attention. "Never mind, we'll discuss it later," he muttered, turning back to the lecture slides.

As the lecture dragged on, I couldn't shake the feeling of humiliation that lingered in the air. I had let myself get carried away by my own fantasies, only to be rudely awakened by the harsh reality of my own incompetence.

And as the class finally came to an end, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that I could finally escape the prying eyes of my classmates. But deep down, I knew that the embarrassment of my daydream would linger long after the lecture had ended, a painful reminder of the dangers of letting my imagination run wild.

As I sat under the tree, immersed in my book and the soothing melodies of Lana Del Ray's music, a light tap on my shoulder startled me. Looking up, and saw the soccer team were practicing. It looked a military camp the way the soccer team was practicing. From push ups to to laps. I caught a glimpse of the sweaty asshole from last night. She looked so dead set on the soccer practice, suddenly our eyes met which made me look away. I got up and went to the library because I couldn't deal with that curly haired asshole.


As I was playing my black acoustic guitar I couldn't get the right note. Suddenly Richard was standing at the doorway.
"Someone is asking for Miss." He informed me.

"Well tell them I am not here." I replied.

"I can't it's Jessica and she already knows you are her." I sighed and told him to call her to my room. He left and a few minutes later she was standing in front of my bed.
"What the fuck Blake?" She barked which annoyed me.

"What?" I asked still playing my guitar.

"Where the hell is she?"

"Who? You are going to have to be more clear." I remarked which seemed to getting pissed."She's not here."

"Blake look at me." She demanded to which I stopped playing my guitar and looked at her.

"Happy?" I inquired."What do you want she is not here."

"I want you to stay away from her." I chuckled when she said that."What's funny?"

"Nothing except the fact that you think you can control me." I explained while putting on my shirt on.

"What do you mean? I am your girlfriend." She added.

"Girlfriend? Wow that's a big label. Don't get me wrong it was nice but I think you are getting this whole thing wrong." And with that I left her standing there.


Suki, Lex (who came back from her trip with Max) and I were studying when Henry approached us.
"Great." I mumbled to myself.

"Kiara can we talk?" He asked, Lexa and Suki looked at me but I nodded meaning I was ok. I got up and followed him. My heart raced as I stood face to face with Henry, my ex-boyfriend, the one who had shattered my trust by cheating on me. Anger simmered beneath the surface as he pleaded for me to take him back, his words falling on deaf ears.

"What?" I said firmly, trying to keep my voice steady despite the rage building inside me.

At first, Henry seemed genuinely contrite, his eyes pleading for forgiveness as he apologized for his mistakes. I could almost believe him, almost let myself be swayed by his words.

But then, as quickly as his apology came, his expression hardened, his eyes narrowing with malice. "You don't want to reconsider, Kiara. I have information that could ruin you," he threatened, his tone laced with menace.

My breath caught in my throat as his words hung in the air, sending a chill down my spine. I knew exactly what he was implying – he would expose my secret life as a street racer, as well as my feelings for Blake, to his powerful and influential father.

The mention of Blake ignited a fire within me, memories flooding back of how she had left my dorm room without a word after we had slept together. The betrayal stung, fueling my anger even further.

But it wasn't just Blake I was angry at. I was furious at myself for letting Henry manipulate me like this, for putting myself in a position where he had power over me.

I clenched my fists, my jaw set in determination as I met Henry's gaze with steely resolve. "Fine," I spat, my voice dripping with venom. "You can use me to impress your dad. But after that, you're out of my life for good."

Henry's smirk widened, satisfied with my agreement. But as he walked away, I knew that I wasn't just fighting to keep my secrets hidden – I was fighting for my freedom, my independence, and my right to be who I truly was, without fear of judgment or retribution. And with Blake's face haunting my thoughts, I knew that no matter what obstacles lay ahead, I would find the strength to overcome them, no matter the cost.

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