8|•"Thank you"•|

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Ahaan's POV
I picked her up. And took her to my cabin and laid her down on my bed. Yes I have a bed in my cabin because I often pull all nighters here because of work. I put her bag and her broken phone on the table and sat beside her on a chair and called a family doctor. I can't take her to hospital because I don't want to make her life difficult. Because if I take her to the hospital rumours will start spreading and then...you know what will happen. She was sleeping peacefully like nothing happened a while ago, like she wasn't fighting for her life a moment ago. Her clothes were torn. She looks gorgeous even when she's sleeping. She's my enemy's daughter and I can't seem to hate her. I mean nobody can hate her. I don't want to see her getting hurt. I want to protect her. But the very person she needs to be protected from is....me.
--After some time--
A female doctor came. I gave her some clothes so that she can change ayana's clothes. And went out of the room. After some time the doctor came out of the room.

Doctor: I changed her clothes and applied medicine on her wounds. Gladly the injuries aren't that big. She'll gain consciousness in some time. You don't have to worry.

Ahaan sighed in relief.

Ahaan: Thank you doctor.

The doctor looked at him for a min. And then put her hand on his shoulder.

Doctor: It's been a while since I saw you worrying about someone other than your family

She smiled after saying that.

Ahaan: I'm not worried about her..I just..

Doctor: It's okay Ahaan. I'll leave now.

With that the doctor left his office. He went inside the cabin where ayana was sleeping. He looked at her.

Ahaan: I'm.. worried about..her??

Ahaan sat back on the chair beside the bed. And fell asleep.

--After a while--
Ayana woke up. She looked around her surroundings. Then she suddenly remembered everything. She got scared. She looked around and saw a man sleeping on the chair. She couldn't figure out who it was because of the dark. She got up, she was about to run but.

???: Where are you going?

The man got up from the chair and started walking towards her.

Ayana: Don't come closer. I s-said..d-don..d-don't come..c-closer

Ayana started feeling the shortness of breath. She started breathing heavily. She closed her eyes and clenched her fists.

???: Ms. Mehra?? Are you okay?

She opened her eyes in shock. It was Ahaan. Then she remembered that she called Ahaan for help. She fell on her knees. She started struggling to breath. She put her hand on her chest and looked at him.

Ahaan: Ms. Mehra what's wrong? What's happening??

He held her from her shoulders. She rested her head on his chest.

Ahaan: Ms. Mehra?? Are you okay??

She pointed her finger in the direction of her bag.

Ahaan: What? What is it? Do you want something from your bag?? Just tell me. I'll get it for you.

Ayana: M-My....

Ahaan: Yes??

Ayana: My...in-in..inhaler..

Ahaan got shocked for a second. But he got himself together because this was not the time to get shocked. He picked her up and laid her on the bed. And started searching her bag.

Ahaan: Ms. Mehra. Please take deep breaths. I'm finding your inhaler. Calm yourself.

Ahaan was panicking because the inhaler was nowhere to be found.

Ahaan: Hold on Ms. Mehra. I'll find it.

He started searching for it in his cabin. It was lying on the floor. He picked it up and rushed towards Ayana and put his one hand on her nape and handed her the inhaler. After using it. She started feeling better.

Ahaan: Are you okay now Ms. Mehra?

She nodded. Ahaan's tensed shoulders relaxed and he sighed in relief. Ayana looked at him. She thought he'll ask her so many questions. But he didn't.

Ayana: You're not asking me anything?

Ahaan: About what?

Ayana: About what..just happened?

Ahaan: What's there to ask. You have asthma. And now I know it. So now I'll be able to take care of you in future.

Ayana's heart skipped a beat when he mentioned that he'll take care of her. She lowered her head because her cheeks started turning red because of blushing.

Ahaan: Ah. But There are some things I would like to ask.

Ayana: What's that?

Ahaan: First. What were you doing outside so late at night?

Ayana: Ah..that.. I..um. I just had an argument with my mother so..

Ahaan: So you ran away?

Ayana pressed her lips together and nodded. Ahaan chuckled.

Ahaan: Are you a kid. Ms. Mehra?

Her face turned bright shade of red due to embarrassment.

Ayana: That's-

Ahaan: Please don't do this kind of thing from now on. I don't want you to get hurt.

Ayana blushed again and just nodded.

Ahaan: Now. The main question. Who was that man?

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