Second helpings

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We make it to the beavers dam

" it's lovely" Lucy's says gripping my arm tighter

"It's merely a trifle, you know still plenty to do ain't quite finished it yet, it'll look the business when it is, though" he says continuing down the hill

Me and Lucy look at each other then follow Peter Susan and Edmund follow soon after

As we get close to the dam we hear a woman "Beaver, is that you? I've been worried sick!" Another beaver comes out yelling at Mr beaver

"If I find out you've been out with badger again-" she looks up "oh" she says smiling and covering her mouth

"Well, those aren't badgers" me and Lucy giggle at what she said Peter grabs my other hand and looks down at me

"Oh, I never thought I'd live to see this day." She says walking up next to Mr beaver

She looks at Mr beaver mad " look at my fur, you couldn't give me ten minutes warning?" Mr beaver was grinning and had his arms crossed but when he stated to he yelled at that grin went away

"I'd Have given a week if I thought it would've helped" he says looking at us laughing everyone in our group laughed except Edmund

" oh come inside will see if we can get you some food, and some civilised company" she says looking at Mr beaver

He went from smiling to frowning then smiling as his wife passed by we go in

"Now, careful watch your step" Mr beaver said as we go in

Mrs. Beaver looks at me and Lucy as we come in " excuse the mess, can't get Mr beaver to get of his chair" me and Lucy start to giggle

As Peter goes in Edmund is the last he looks towards the two mountains again which catches MrBeavers attention

"Enjoying the scenery,are we" Edmund looks at Mr beaver and shakes his head

We all sit down at a table Peter looks at Mr beaver "isn't there anything we can do to help Mr Tumnus" Peter says looking at me and Lucy I grab his hand under the table and squeeze it

He looks at me and I look away he readjust his hand and now our hands and interlaced

Mr beaver looks at Peter " they'll have taken him to the white witch's house, you know what they say..."

Lucy looks at me and scoot closer she looks down and grins I look at what she's looking at and it's my and Peter's hand together I roll my eyes at her and we continue to listen

"There's few that go through them gates that come out again" I put one arm around Lucy and hug her Mrs beaver comes running over

"Fish n chips" she offers smiling "but there is hope, dear lots of hope" she looks at me and smiles and putting her hand on my shoulder

Me beaver looks at Mrs beaver "oh yeah, there's a bit more then hope" Mr beaver says looking at me and Peter

Mr beaver leans in "Alan is on the move" he says whispering

Edmund walks over " who's Aslan" Mr beaver breaks out laughing "who's Aslan, you cheeky little brighter" Mr beaver says laughing even harder

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