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"And the moon witnessed the untold story"

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"And the moon witnessed the untold story"

Is it going to be a fervent kiss?

As you closed your eyes to feel his lips on yours, he continued to lean in for a kiss. Suddenly, a thunderstorm shocked you both and caused Taehyung to retreat to take his position back. "Oh, I-I..." Taehyung found it difficult to communicate, perhaps due to his awkwardness. With a look of guilt, you closed your eyes and looked down.

As the rain began to fall, you both stared up at the pitch-black sky where sparkling droplets of water were sitting atop your forms. "Let's go inside, you might catch cold" He hauled you inside while holding your wrist. You felt even more uncomfortable in that fit after taking a closer look at your ensemble. "Taehyung, Can I ask you for a favour?"

He lifted an eyebrow in curiosity as he turned to face you and said, "I'll do you a favour-I know you want me to kiss you." He replied, smirking as you freaked out, "In your dreams, give me some comfortable clothes to wear tonight."

"So, you think I've got a girlfriend?" he asked, releasing his hold on my wrist and raising an eyebrow. He questioned you about your thoughts, even if it wasn't a really tough question. You looked at him, swallowing the growing knot in your parched throat, and spoke the words

"H-How am I supposed to be aware of that?" You said, nodding and biting his lower lip, he let his words out  "Well then, how am I supposed to have any spare women's cloth at my place?"

acknowledging with a nod which is what he said was true. When he chanted your name again, you sighed and proceeded to head towards the guest room that had been assigned to you, reflecting on your fury. "If you wish, You can wear my cloth?"

You turned to face him, your body and eyes locked down as you contemplated it. "Need it or not, Ms. Shin?" His voice came out in horace, the dark brown eyes searching for an answer twinkling around beautifully.

uttering the words "I will be grateful" you licked your lips in a state of little bewilderment. I quickly lowered my head in shame as you thought. 'All right, asking him for his cloth at his house is exceedingly embarrassing!' You pondered as Taehyung chuckled and made his way to his bedroom.

After a moment, he called your name and said, "Can you come here just for once, Y/n?" Glancing around a little, you hesitantly made your way to his bedroom.

He had two pairs of sweatpants and T-shirts on while he stood there. His eyes darting across the fabric as though deciphering some profound revelation. "Which color you wanna wear?" He asked his extremely crucial query and then glanced up at your completed countenance. Your hazel eyes staring back at his dark brown once as your lips formed a straight line.

"You seriously could have given me anything" His brows were drawn together and his nose was screwed up. He walked slightly in your direction, sighing at your response. Reaching out a white t-shirt toward your body and checking how it looked on according to your little pale complexion when he declared, "White certainly suits you"

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