Love at first sight1

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Shubman Gill was sitting on one of the chair inside the café. His both hands on his head as from time to time he let out a deep sigh. Anyone who saw him could say that he was going through something. He look out from the café where he could see various people on the street of London. Some going to work, some just loitering around.

'Aishhh how can i be so careless!..Now mum is angry with me' Shubman murmur to himself as he tried to Diall his mum's number.

Just pick up the phone!!!! -Shubman was now getting frustrated.

With no hope Shubman grab his coat and walk out from the café. He was about to take a left turn when he heard the most melodious voice. People forming a crowd nearby a street.
Shubman thought of just walking away but  his legs were dragging him towards the crowd.

After reaching the crowd Shubman saw a boy on his twenties playing a guitar and singing. He was struggling to fully see the boy when a man infront of him left the crowd leaving Shubman standing in awe.

Shubman couldn't believe he saw the most beautiful person ever, voice so melodious, looks so angelic. He forgot all about his problems, eyes just tracking towards the young boy who sang his heart out.

Days past to weeks Shubman Gill visited the same place every day hoping to see the boy everyday and indeed he did. Whenever Shubman visited they would
Glance at each other from time to time with a smile. And each time their eyes met, Shubman felt the same emotions gushing, the same unspoken connection.
They never spoke but , but yet their heart conversed in the language of glance and smiles.

Shubman stop visiting the boy for few days due some work. When he did on the third day Shubman didn't saw the boy, with a sigh he left the place and visited the next day. But still he didn't saw him , he kept on saying to himself that he will see the boy again. Days went to week. Shubman couldn't wait anymore he knew That boy was the one he wanted. He approach a lady selling flowers on the street and ask about the today.

'Excuse you know the boy who used to sing here? But he's not here anymore..' Shubman said

'Oh, you must be talking about Ishan. Just last week he got in an accident a car hit him while he was on the street here performing..he was badly injured..poor boy ..with the help of some people he was admitted in the hospital. Every body loved him here..may he get well soon' the lady said with a sad voice

'W-what..- Shubman was speechless he didn't just come for few days and everything just happened with his poor boy..

Where is he admitted'- he waited in anticipation hoping the lady know where his boy was admitted

'I'm sorry young man , i don't have any clue'

That word stunk on Shubman's heart. Now he lost his boy where will i find him...

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