He was my Everything 1 [Angst]

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A silhouette stood near the window, night air gushing through the big open windows. The silhouette was a man sipping the red wine while he hold a very dark and dangerous demeanour.

Breaking the silence  a man entered holding a folder with him.

Man: Boss we have located their location.

Boss: Good Inform our team members we will be moving early in the morning around 5

Man: Ok Boss
(The man bows and left the room when another intruder entered the room)

Surya: Shubman

Shubman: Yes, Surya

Surya: Here is the sketch you ask for its completed..

Keeping the half remain wine in the nearby table Shubman took the Sketch from Surya's hold. A smile appeared on his  face while tracing every details of the sketch with his finger

Shubman: He look so pretty...like an Angel... Surya remember he always used to have a smile on his face whether  if he is having a good or a bad day...it was difficult for us to know his emotions...he always kept on laughing and giggling

Surya: He was the sweetest of all kind
(He said while looking at the sketch Shubman was holding)

Shubman: But some became so jealous that they snatch away the smile from his face
(His smile flattens leaving a dark aura  around him)
They stole my love from me Surya, They took him far away from me!! When they know that HE was my EVERYTHING!! And i was not able to do anything back than...but now ill ! I'll will tear down their every piece of skin and feed it to the animals AND I SWEAR ILL !!

5 years back

A young petite boy ran around the big house letting out sweet melodic giggles as he was being chased by his boyfriend who was unable to see anything but just feeling the furnitures nearby him

Ishan: Shubiiiii catch meeee if you cannnn

Shubman(smile): i would definitely if i can see

Shubman tried to act wound while he grab his knew while letting out wincing sounds

Shubman: Ishu..aahhh i got hurt..

Ishan ran towards his boyfriend who kneeled on th floor

Ishan: Shubii are you okay?? Where does it hurt??

But all of a sudden Shubman caged Ishan in his embrace

Shubman: I got ya !!!

Ishan: wait.. Wh-No that's Cheating!!!

Shubman: No baby ~~

Ishan: no...yo-Papa look your son is cheating!!

Ishan complained to his soon to be father-in-law who entered the room with a cup of tea.

Mr.Gill: Ishu baby Shubman just used his brain (chuckling)

Ishan(pout): You're taking his side

Shubman: well Ishan you know i won't be able to catch you even though if we played whole evening (smile) Your blind boyfie can't do that

*Ishan just ran and hug Shubman *


Mr.Gill: Shubman im going on a mission along with some team...Stay with Ishan inside the room..don't come out until we arrive ok Son?

Shubman: Yes dad..i may not be able to see but I'll protect me Ishu baby and take care of yourself.

Ishan and Shubman was inside their bedroom, Shubman laying on the bed while Ishan was sitting beside him while reading a book. The room was pin drop silent only the flipping of the pages could be heard until they heard an unwanted sound from the downstair.

Ishan: S-shubi...what was that??

Shubman: Stay near me Ishu don't go anywhere

Ishan and Shubman sat quietly by the bed not daring to make any noise when they heard a familiar voice

??: Ishan..Shubman open the door

Ishan: Shubi...its Ravin...

Ravin: open the door Ishu...

Ishan: I'm opening the door Shubi..ok-

Shubman: no Ishu wai-

Ravin: Mr.Gill sended me here to take you guys out from here, the enemies will be hear any soon

Ishan: I'm opening it Shubi

(Ishan went to open the door despite of Shubman's deniall)

Ishan: bhai- Shubman!!

Shubman: Ishu what happen??

Shubman stood up with the help of his stick. Ishan went to open the door thinking it may be only Ravindra well boy he was wrong there stood 5 another man with him.

Ravindra: Ishan

Ishan: bhai?? Who are they??

*One man among them close the door*

Shubman: Ishu what's going on??!!

Ishan: R-ravindra bhai...he's not alone..

Shubman: what???

Now Shubman heard more than two footsteps. He tried to walk towards Ishan but unfortunately he was pushed and he fell down while his stick went flying to the other side of the room.

Shubman: Ishan?..

Ishan: Shubi!!!!

Ishan was being pushed on the bed while 5 of them including Ravindra surround him in the bed.

Shubman don't know where to keep his legs and hands he was clueless he doesn't know in which part of the room he was. He knows Ishan was suffering, He heard his screams, the skin slapping, the unwanted sounds. But yet he wasn't able to do anything.. Cause he was blind and can't see anything. His boyfriend was being molested and rape in front of him..yet he can't do anything.. His boyfriend called out for help yet he was not able to do anything...His lil bunny was crying his heart out..yet he can't do anything.. He himself was trying to go near with the help of the voice but at the end he was being punched or kick and thrown away.

End of flashback-
To be continued

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