Eulogy of Ména

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"The Lord is near to the brokenhearted

and saves the crushed in spirit.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous,

but the Lord delivers him out of all."

Yet, "...'None is righteous, no, not one...'",

but it pleased the Father, who sent His only Son,

to save us from Adam, who we descended from,

so that we be made righteous, for the process has begun.

When he made me alive, I realized my mess.

This relief that I felt, no human word could express;

for the old me was killed, and my vices felt less,

but I must keep on climbing, lest my habits regress.

Though God is all-powerful, and He is all-fair,

in the depths of my dejection, He was still there.

His hands were extended, and I wasn't aware

that my tears I could shed, my despair I could share.

Here lies a liar who really tried

to revive and thrive in a place he no longer resides in.

Here lies my flesh; my thoughts and my actions.

To my old self, Ména: no more distractions!

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