Chapter 2 - Nods, Bows, and Okay

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Lookkaew walks past lots of doors and finally staff room is shown, she knocks.

Teacher- Who is it?

Anda sees Lookkaew through the door holes.

Anda- That must be my student, she is coming to help me. Please come in Lookkaew!

Lookkaew slides the door and locates where her teacher is, she walks to her.

Anda in a big smile- Thanks for helping me, there is too much stuff. How's the first day of school? Hope you're not too tired being the class president.

Lookkaew- I'm fine.

Anda- Then that's good, don't forget to tell me if there's anything you can't handle, okay?

Lookkaew- Okay.

Anda asks Lookkaew to bring all the exercises to the classroom and she gives her a chocolate before Lookkaew leaves. Lookkaew notices the chocolate Anda gave is the same one as Atom's, but she doesn't think much and continues to walk.

~In the staff room~

Anda- Atom, thanks for recommending me to this school, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to get a job.

Atom- Don't sweat it! We've been friends for so long. Btw, how's the chocolate? It is delicious but not expensive at the same time, isn't it? This is left after I gave it to my students, not especially for you, okay?

Anda tells Atom that she gave the chocolate to her student, and Atom seems a bit upset about it.

Anda says goodbye to Atom and heads for class.

Anda- Good afternoon class, how was lunch? I hope y'all ate something delicious. Anyway, it's English time now, so try not to speak Thai during the lesson, okay?

Throughout the lesson, the students fully understand that Anda's knowledge of English is good, it's just that her pronunciation of words is cute, very cute.

Student 1 whispers- So cute, she's indeed Thai.

Student 2- Still better than you lmao!

Student 1- Shut up!

Lookkaew doesn't care about the cuteness of the person teaching, she just focuses on the contents and knowledge she can learn. As expected from our class president, not easily distracted.


Student 1- Anda or Atom?

Student 2- I don't know, I can't choose... they're both top tier.

Finally school day has ended, and Lookkaew is the only one left in the classroom. "Ka-chunk", it's Anda, she comes to check if everybody has left.

Anda- Aw! How come you're still here Lookkaew? It's already 5 p.m.

Lookkaew- Cleaning.

Anda- Oh, that's why! Thank you for your effort na, we teachers really appreciate it.

Lookkaew doesn't answer anything after that, only nodding and bowing a little.

Anda- You don't like to talk, don't you? But at least smile a bit, won't you? Just like me (with a big smile)!

Lookkaew doesn't know what to answer so she just simply replies a okay.

Anda asks Lookkaew to leave with her so that she can make sure the door is closed.

Anda- So see you tomorrow!

Lookkaew nods and they part their ways.

After backing into the staff room, Anda asks Atom about Lookkaew. Atom had been teaching Lookkaew's class for two years, and she confirmed that Lookkaew doesn't talk much.

Anda- I just want her to speak more and smile more, what do you think I should do?

Atom- Be friends with her? I don't know, or maybe assign her to help Mr. Charoen more often, I bet she will hate the silence and start talking 55555.

Anda- What's with the second option, Mr. Charoen doesn't even teach our class, so how can I ask Lookkaew to help him... try to be friends with her it is. I can't wait to learn more about her and change her into a talkative lady. I want our class president to be bright and charming, just like me haha (with confidence).

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