"Be quiet, they'll hear you," hisses a girl with long black hair being just as loud as the others.

"I really like that blonde one, he's really handsome looking," a girl with neck length messy blonde hair says as she plays with hair wrapping it around her finger

You elbow Nanami in the side and look at him with a smirk, "You hear that Nanami, they think your handsome," you say while snickering.

"I like that one with the brown hair," Kusakabe shivers a little as another one of the girls speaks, "he looks so shy, I just wanna hug him!"

You and Nanami both snicker as Kusakabe's face turns a bright red and he starts to shake nervously pointing to himself as he looks to the two of you, "A-Are they talking about me?" He asks his voice shaking pathetically.

"I think the one with the hood is the cutest," Another one of the girls speak her voice sounding more determined than the others, you turn your attention back to the girls and see one with dark blue hair pushed back by a hair band and braided at the end, "That scar on his cheek makes him look tough."

"Really, he just looks like some delinquent to me."

 Oh those little-!

The blue haired girl puts her hands on her hips responding in a matter of fact way as if there was no way she could be wrong, "So what, That makes things even better. That just means he'll be able to protect me," pffft protect you, I don't even know you!

"Oh no, Riko's in danger whoever would save her but some random delinquent," another girl says mockingly causing the other one to pout in response.

"Whatever, while you guys sit here and talk about them," she stands up from her seat looking at the group with her hand on her hips, "I'm gonna go ask him out!" She exclaims proudly putting her thumb into her chest and smirking. 

Wait what!?

You feel your cheeks heat up as Nanami turns to you with smirking, "my my, aren't you quite the ladies man?" He says smugly.

"Oh shut up!" You yell at him and turn back to the girls seeing the blue haired one coming over, 

Oh god!

"Hey you!" She yells pointing at you and grabbing your attention.

"Y-Yeah...?" You reply your cheeks turning a light pink.

"My names Riko Amanai, what's yours?" She holds one of her hands out towards you her other one remaining on her hip.

You nervously grab her hand shaking it slightly, "(Y/n) (L/n), why?"

"How old are you?" She asks tilting her head in curiosity.

"Fifteen, how old are you?" You ask letting go of her hand.

"You're only a year older than me!" She exclaims in shock, "You like you could be at least three years older than me."

"Gee, thanks," you say sarcastically causing her to blush.

"N-Not like that," she looks away nervously fidgeting with her hands, "I mean you look really mature and-" her voice trails off as her blush grows covering her entire face and spreading to her ears, "H-handsome..." Her voice is barely above a whisper but it's effect on you is about a hundred times that as you feel your face start to heat up further.

"I-I-" you nervously stutter trying to say something in reply but failing being too flustered to speak as you hear the girls friends giggle from afar.

"And I was wondering if I could give you my number?" She asks nervously barely being able to keep eye contact with you, "s-so can I?"

Your mind goes blank for a second staring into her eyes trying to think of a response before you snap out of it, "I- uh y-yeah," you pull out your flip phone and hand it to her.

She puts her number in your contacts and hands it back to before walking back to her friends her face still red from blushing, "you're a real Romeo (Y/n)," Kusakabe says mockingly.

"Oh shut up you coward!" You shout in reply.

-at the Kamo clan household-

Jin walks through the hallways carrying his katana on his hip stopping when he hears a voice.

"Jin, I've heard you and Shizuno-chan have failed yet another mission," the voice is cold and harsh almost sounding like that of a snake, "I'm sure the master was quite upset about this."

"Tatsuma-sama," Jin turns to the man who is partially obscured by shadow. He's tall and thin wearing a olive green montsuki with golden designs sewn into it paired with a dark green undershirt and hakama pants, "I assure you it's nothing you should worry abo-"

"Has no one taught you to be silent when your elders are speaking to you boy?" He glares at Jin his yellow eyes piercing through the shadows barring into Jin, "need I remind you of your place in this clan?" He asks threateningly as his the corners of his lips curve upwards into a sly smile.

"No sir," Jin replies, "I apologize for my arrogance."

"Good, now bow like the dog you are," he says snarkily his smile growing even wider with glee.

Jin looks at angrily before lowering himself to his knee.

"You think one knee's enough?" He says in a condescending tone, "I said bow child!" He demands.

Jin reluctantly lowers his other knee fully bowing to the man his brows furrowing in anger as Tatsuma puts his foot on Jin's back pushing him down.

"there you go, now was that so hard?" He asks mockingly as he presses his foot harder onto Jin's spine.

"You-!" Jin speaks through gritted teeth trying to get a word out just to be interpreted.

"silence, you don't deserve to speak," Tatsuma pressed his foot down harder onto Jin's back causing him to grit his teeth further squinting in pain.

"Tatsuma-senpai, let Jin san go!" A softer voice yells from nearby interrupting Tatsuma's berating of Jin.

"Shizuno-chan, what are you doing here?" He says removing his foot from Jin's back and look at her with a fake happy expression, "I thought you were supposed to be training with your father."

"We finished early, now explain to me what's going on here," she demands as Jin slowing stands up grabbing at his side in pain.

"oh It's quite simple really, I was just showing Jin here some manners," He glares at Jin through the side if his eye.

"Well you may go now," she says Shooing him away like a fly.

"Yes my lady," he bows to Shizuno and sides eyes Jin once again before walking off.

Shizuno runs up to Jin wrapping him in a bear hug nearly tackling him to the floor.

"I- Shizuno-Chan, t-thank you," he says looking away embarrassed his arms loosely wrapped around her.

"Don't thank me, you don't deserve to be treated like that," she says resting her cheek against his chest, "I hate it when Tatsuma does stuff like that, you deserve to be a part of this clan just as much as anyone else."

Jin stays in the hug not moving but looking away a pained expression playing across his face as he whispers, "I wish I could agree."


(A/n):(I wanted to do the part where you actually go on the mission in this chapter but that would just make it too long and I didn't want to get rid of the part with Jin so I'll just have to put it in the next chapter.)

~𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓~ [Riko Amanai x Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now