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'It' was a fistful of dust. It was in a deep slumber.

It was beginning to feel the cold air entering its nose and filling its lungs. It felt that it was forming and shaping into the faint figure of a man. It was slowly gaining awareness of its feet, fingers, nose, ears, mouth, and chest.

The more it focused, the more it could sense and feel the things around it. It was the first man in the world, Adam, and was being born.

"It's successful," he could hear a female voice say. He wanted to open his eyes and see her, but he didn't have them yet. She was talking to someone else.

"This man will be completed in hours," the other man said. "It's remarkable. Now we have our first human."

I'm a human. the half-created man realized. I'm the first man! That's... That's cool. He could hear their footsteps. The unknown woman -Adam will call her Sera later- and the other man -He will call him Michael- left him. Adam was left alone.

Adam was lying on the grand field in a fetal pose. It was so comfortable and peaceful. He didn't want to wake up. He wanted to sleep a bit more like this...

'...ey, human.' But, a voice broke the peace. Adam tried to ignore the whispering at first.

"Hey, I'm telling you!" But as he didn't respond, the voice came closer and sounded from near his ear. "Ugly human!"

"I'm not ugly." Unfortunately, that was the first remark of humanity. He heard his own voice for the first time; It was listless and weirdly cracking. The unknown voice chuckled mischiefly. That being seemed happy, as he finally got a reaction. "Oh, You're saying that because you haven't seen yourself yet." The voice teased Adam.

"You are barely human... you look like a lousy lump of mud, rather than a man."

"Who are you?" Adam asked half curious and half annoyed.

"I'm god. Your creator."

"Liar." Adam said. At least, the first man was smart enough to recognize that's not true. The unknown prankster -who Adam would call Lucifer, or Star- snorted in boredom. Lucifer poked his cheek to find another amusement.

"You never know, silly ugly boy. When you are finished, you won't even remember that we met, I guess?" Lucifer continued poking his cheek.

"Hey... stop it!" Adam was literally in the process of birth. And he didn't know well about the world. But one thing he found for the first time was... this guy's annoying. He furrowed his half-made eyebrow, growling.

"I'm gonna find you."  Adam said. Lucifer laughed. "Go for it, boy! See ya!"

Then, Adam could hear some large things fluttering, causing strong winds and the sound was going farther away. Only then could he know that the being could fly.

As he flew off, the liar was humming. Adam didn't know the concept of music yet. But he thought it was... not so bad. Adam was left alone again.

He tried to focus and remember Lucifer, but he was still dizzy with his sight blurred. He might need more naps before becoming a complete human. He didn't want to be unconscious but it was inevitable. The humming was lingering in his ears, like a lullaby.


The first initiative was to create both man and woman at the same time. But in the end, the prudent elders decided to make only the man first for testing. They had made him a few weeks ago.

Well, whichever didn't matter to Lucifer. Lucifer, aka the troublemaker, was always put aside at the decisive moments like this. It wasn't Adam's fault, but Lucifer took it out on him for no reason. It was honestly amusing to make fun of the silly human. He chuckled at the memory from before, sitting on the apple tree.

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