Seiya's Protection

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Seiya was practicing his drums for a solo in the music festival.

Yaten and Taiki were watching him from across the room but were thinking about Usagi's pink electric axe guitar.

"Hmm I wonder what makes that Guitar tick?" asked Taiki

"Let's just test it out." replied Yaten grabbed the guitar

"Hey Don't Touch That!" said Seiya sternly

"Aw come on, Usagi won't even notice and she doesn't even remember being a music star." said Yaten slipping on the Pink glitter guitar

Yaten strums the guitar but no music sound came out of it, he tried plugging it in on a sound system but the results are the same.

"Hey what the heck is wrong with you?" complained Yaten shaking the guitar.

Suddenly the pink axe guitar glowed and gave Yaten a hard blast backlash that propelled him to wall.

"Yaten! Are you alright?!" said Taiki running towards him

"Oh so that Guitar wants to play rough huh? I'll give it a Rough House!" said Yaten getting ready to smashed Usagi's guitar

"No! Stop It!!" cried Seiya tackling him and rescuing the Guitar.

"Never touch this Guitar again!" Seiya Roared

"Why are you protecting that blasted Instrument?!" asked Yaten

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"Why are you protecting that blasted Instrument?!" asked Yaten

"Pop Star or not, it belongs to Bun-Head! I don't want this Guitar harmed or scratched." replied Seiya carrying the guitar in his room.

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