Halloween Circus

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Ahhh....It's that time again for spooky decorations, candy, pumpkins, and full of fun....


Usagi invited her celebrity friends and fans to a Halloween Circus Party like from the Rocky Horror Picture Show mixed with the Cirque de Soleil.

She disguised herself as a Female Ringmaster and her Rising Stars Band members as Circus Performers.
Meanwhile not wanting to miss on the action....

All of the Sailor Guardians dressed up in creepy Circus attire and joined Flashmoon's Creep de Soleil Halloween party.

Even Seiya dressing up like a old man Ringmaster to aid Flashmoon in her dance of the song "Let's do the Tightrope again."

Everyone was amazed and cheered for Flashmoon and her dance crew of Halloween Circus Performers.

At the end, they applauded as Usagi told them to enjoy the music, food, drinks, and games.

The kids were having fun doing a candy scavenger hunt and they get to keep it.

Soon Michael Jackson sang his two Halloween songs Ghosts and Thriller while dancing along with Flashmoon and Seiya.

Seiya shook The King of Pop's hand as he was his idol.

This was truly a Halloween party to remember.

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