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The second Xiao got back to the palace he puked. Right in the imperial gardens, he threw up everything he had eaten before. He could see the little chunks of rice he once consumed laying messily next to the qingxin and silk flowers. Xiao hoped it wouldn't stain the plants, he'd be punished if that was the case. 

His stomach growled loudly at him, maybe because he ate the food he knew he shouldn't have, or maybe whining at the loss of anything within his system. The vomit was gross, an unnatural red colour, almost like watered-down blood. Something Xiao had seen all too many times.

"What are you doing?"

Xiao flinched at the voice, unhunching his back to straighten up to proper posture. His eyes caught Childe's - they were softer than normal.

"S-sorry, sir, I didn't mean to, not on the qingxin, I'm sorry-" he stumbled out. Archons he was totally receiving a punishment of some sort. Maybe choked by a bowstring or forced to replant the entire garden of qingxin.

"It's fine , Xiao," He replied calmly, even though he was staring directly at the puke pile. Xiao nearly gasped in surprise but managed to keep his tongue, he straightened his already-straight posture and held his head high - how Childe liked it.

It was dark, and Xiao could hardly make out Childe's features, only being able to see him thanks to the small lamp grass that shone brightly through the darkness. The moon was out too, full; it shimmered dimly behind Childe. "You did good ,"

This time, Xiao released a noise of shock. It was small and unnoticeable, like the chirps of a saxaul sparrow, you could only hear it if you were actively searching for it; Childe was searching for it. He smiled, it was gentle and kind. "Come here, Xiao,"

So Xiao took a few nervous steps forward.
" Closer ,"

Xiao gulped away his fear and saliva - it tasted vile thanks to the fact he puked a few minutes ago - his feet trailed another few steps until he was fully standing in front of Childe, having to crane his neck just to look him in the eye.

Xiao was expecting a slap.
A rope around his neck.
A sword handle to his nose.

A tug of his hair.


But none of that happened, instead Childe half-kneeled and scooped Xiao close. His grip was gentle, his body was warm, and he smelt like cologne from Fontane - like leather and fake flowers. His arms rested against Xiao's back neatly.



Who was that?

Whoever he was, Childe liked him, and Xiao liked him too, because it made Childe like Xiao .

"You've grown so much..." he murmured, burying his head into Xiao's hair. Xiao just nodded along, he hadn't grown since he was given life, but if it made Childe somewhat care, he didn't mind.

Childe's grip somewhat tightened, not uncomfortably so, but it most certainly tightened. It didn't hurt however, it just felt more desperate than anything. It was like how osprey's nest their chicks, overprotective and not afraid to let the weakest fall far from home. Childe was like an osprey in many ways, he liked strong foundations that wouldn't erode because of wind or water, his nest of large stick walls - or, well, concrete walls - a threat within itself. He was sharp and agile and fast, and his talons were constantly stained with blood .

Blood not his own.

Compared to him, Xiao would have been a sparrow; easy prey, but often not worth the struggles of catching. Xiao knew he was just Childe's pawn, he knew that the second Childe offered him a place in the palace. He never had a problem with it, why would he?
He knew one day, Childe would be killed. Not dead because of natural causes, or falling asleep and never waking up. He would be killed. Such was the life of Fatui - and when that happened Xiao knew he would have to become a hawk himself.

It's what Childe was raising him for - it's what Morax set him up to be.

It had to be, because if it wasn't that Morax would have saved him already.

Xiao shivered at the breath of Childe running through his hair, it was like warm winds - the type you'd receive on an already boiling day, the one you groaned about whenever you experienced it.

Childe repositioned his hands, dragging Xiao as close as he possibly could without it getting odd . Once again, his grip tightened, to the point it was getting more and more difficult to breathe, like Xiao's lungs were starting to collapse on themselves and fail. Yet he couldn't find the strength to say anything about it, he just swallowed the lump that was rising within his throat and shoved it back down. It fell like a stone in his stomach, but Xiao didn't care. This was as close as he'd ever get to praise from Childe, it was the closest he'd get to a sign he was doing good and he'd rule Second Liyue correctly.

He'd make Liyue proud.

He'd make Childe proud.

He'd make the yaksha proud.

He'd make Morax proud.

Because he had too. Who was he if he didn't?

Again. Childe's grip tightened, and Xiao started to feel the air pooling at the bottom of his lungs, and he wasn't able to suck in anymore.

"Childe-" he squeaked out. "Sir-" he corrected desperately, wasting what little air he had left.

Thank the Archons Childe let go, he ran a hand through Xiao's hair and he didn't have the energy to be worried if he was being punished.

Childe hummed with mediocre interest. "Go to bed, Xiao. We have guests tomorrow." He warned. Xiao didn't need to be told twice.

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