Chapter 3: Hate This and I'll Love You

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The month of January has finally come around. On the 5th the winners for those who chose the USA leg of the tour is to be announced live on the radio. I woke up earlier than usual, seeing as I didn't get much sleep last night due to the possibilities of this giveaway. I kept seeing the band's faces looking at me, imagining myself having a barricade. I could say after attending that I can die happily in peace. It was 8:57 a.m. and the results would be out at 9. Coincidentally the station was playing "Madness" by them. It was then time.

The winners for Chicago were announced first. A couple screamed together enthusiastically. Having three winners go to Los Angeles, a man won for the first date, the 23rd. It was now for either of the last two dates to be revealed. My lips become dry as I start to have anxiety. I closed my eyes as the announcer was getting ready to say his next words. "We have two more winners left for Los Angeles alright," he said. "We are now phoning the winners for what is to be the second date on the 24th." Him saying the 24th made me start to attack my nails, bare now, scratching them with my thumb. I couldn't decide whether to keep my eyes open or closed knowing I would have to physically see the call come through or feel it vibrate. The line was called, ringing on their end and almost immediately it was picked up. It rang for only one second. Two girls started screaming immediately. "We were waiting this entire time oh my gosh! We can't believe it!"

I couldn't believe it either. It wasn't me. I didn't win. My face became still, quickly drained of any emotion. I stayed a few seconds more listening to the cheers of the girls as I sat in disbelief. I thought I was really close to winning. I turned off the radio and with silence a tear duct came out of my right eye. I didn't want to break down but I sort of did and then lost control. I never expected to get this emotional over the loss of concert tickets but it happened. I guess the build up of the months waiting for an answer with the chance to see a band you've adored for so long held significant feelings, more particularly in a sense that their music did save me when I needed it the most and not even now could I hear those songs live. When will an opportunity like this arise again? This was my only chance.

I stayed curled in my bed for the rest of the day, only getting up to use the restroom and eat food as it still is a necessity. I wasn't planning to die yet. So far I will say the new year isn't looking so great. Muse would be touring for all of 2013 and I wouldn't be able to attend any. I know I will get over it eventually but the wound is very fresh. It feels like someone is pouring rubbing alcohol on it right now.

I took multiple naps throughout the day as a way to escape the pain but it continued to find me. Every single conscious thought was about the band. I got annoyed seeing as I want to get rid of them from my mind as much as I can. They didn't feel like friends. This continued to be a daily routine for the next two weeks. The more days passed the more the band's "vicious act" disappeared. It took a while for me to listen to their music again. Eventually my mind got clouded up by other thoughts not related such as thinking I should start stretching or should I pursue guitar as a hobby or I shall make myself look suntanned. I started to feel like myself again.

I suddenly got a call from an unknown number on the 19th. "Hello we had a series of unfortunate events happen and without going into much detail, are you available to attend the Muse concert in Los Angeles on the 24th next week?" I was dazed as to who was calling and why and how did they know about me wanting to go to a concert on that specific date.

"Um, who is this?" I asked.

"This is VALT, the radio station. We received an application associated with this number and right now we are looking to send someone to the second night of the upcoming Muse concert,"

"Isn't there someone- two people who are already going?"

"Not anymore as it was found they are underaged and therefore did not comply with the rules of the giveaway,"

"Oh, I see."

Oh I saw alright. I had to revert back to what was said in the beginning of the conversation. I am being asked to go?! Am I replacing those two girls whose laughs I can still hear clear as a bell? I knew the girls were no older than 17 by how high pitched their voices were. They were teenage girls who likely did not read the terms and conditions (I looked after it was signed). I snapped back into reality when I heard a hello on the other end.

"Are you available or not?" the woman asked.

"Uh yes yes, I am!" I said.

"Okay we will email you with further instructions. Remember this is a full expenses paid trip with traveling involved. You must be free for the entire week or else we will have to go with someone else. Congratulations on this opportunity and keep listening to VALT for more giveaways like this. Thank you very much."

She ended the call immediately. I couldn't say anything else. Maybe it was a good thing because shortly after I just started to scream as loud as I could. It was the same happiness I felt when I first submitted the application three months ago. Once again I can't believe it. I keep repeating "I'm going I'm going" to myself with my hands on my head rocking back and forth like a child. "Oh what am I going to wear!" I start to panic and look in my closet. Going through each clothing item I have there is nothing that meets my vision, only what exactly would be perfect to wear to the concert? A Muse concert for crying out sake. I idolize these men and their art and yet I don't know what is appropriate clothing to fit in their world. 

The following day I took myself out in an attempt to shop but I was still clueless. I brought myself a pair of black jeans though as I know the entire band wears them and therefore is a safe option to wear. Thinking back to their recent album, the cover art is colorful. There's the colors of orange, green, blue, pink, purple. I don't think I can pull off pastels though. Walking, looking through window displays, something caught my eye. There is a black long jacket with fur on the collar, the fur running down to the entire bottom of the jacket like a zipper. It's on the cuffs too. In the actual sense of what a muse means to someone I feel this is one of those clothing pieces that would be written into a song for its uniqueness. It was an attention grabber. Think like motorcycle boots. I entered the store to take a peek at the price. It was exactly $159. A jacket this precious would cost that much. Upon a closer inspection there was actually another tag. It was marked down and the new price would be only 27 dollars. Not looking at the name of the store it was a thrift. I got lucky. I purchased it and it was there I decided for the first few moments I land in Los Angeles I would hopefully have some free time and explore one shop there before getting ready for the concert, something that would complete this jacket.

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