Chapter 2: Save Me

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The same day I went on listening to the radio while I painted my nails white. It was going dull for a Saturday. The songs that played weren't exactly "my cup of tea" and so it fed into the boredom. I was taking a sip of water waiting for my left hand to dry when it was time for the ad breaks. After the ads about a car dealership and lawyers you should sign up with passed by, the radio host themselves came in and talked about a giveaway the station was holding. Tickets to Muse's The 2nd Law tour was the prize. The tickets would be to any location you desired and would be fully paid, plane and all. There will be 15 winners total. My heart stopped for a moment. I tried not to choke on the water that was inside my mouth but it was too late. Some of the water had splattered all over my legs and droplets on my chin began to fall on my chest. I did put effort though not to let the water touch my nails. "Oh my god." I said out loud. Whether I believed in using God's name in vain or not didn't matter to me at the moment. I knew immediately I had to sign up.

While reaching for my laptop I dramatically fluttered my hands to get them to dry faster. I loaded the radio station's website and saw the newly posted news that would link to the giveaway. It was real. I typed in my information as if I were being chased by a bear and had to escape my home. My mind didn't catch up with my heart so I felt dizzy. I was essentially in a state of confusion. The button to submit looked like gold in my eyes. Eureka. The next part consisted of what location I would prefer to attend to. I kept in mind that it didn't matter where I chose because it was limitless. Shows ranged from the UK to Ireland to Switzerland to France to Japan to the USA etc. My eyes clanged as if they were made of stone on the USA dates, more particularly their Los Angeles, California shows. It will be in January and as I see it a great way to celebrate the new year of 2013. Los Angeles of course has a reputation for Hollywood Boulevard and celebrities. I heard that even Matt Bellamy has a home there. What are the odds of ever seeing him walking around? This enchanted me even more wanting to go. Having a love for movies did also impact my decision.

There were three dates to choose from and I eventually settled on the second date, January 24 as I felt too intimidated somehow to attend the first or the last day. I submitted the application form after agreeing to the terms and conditions and I was in awe. What can I expect if I win? I had to collect myself after processing everything rapidly. Taking deep breaths I closed my eyes and even then felt the rush of my body taking control. It was a nice feeling but also quite painful. My cheeks started to hurt from smiling too much and it was a strong smile. Nothing could affect the slight bliss in the moment of tranquility I am in.

It Was Serendipitous One Day || Matt Bellamy MuseWhere stories live. Discover now