The last progress report in a while :/

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hello everyone. h3x here.

I'm just gonna cut to the chase:

Lune Et Soliel is going to go on a Hiatus.

before you freak out, no it is not canceled. But it will be more infrequent. I'm tired of setting deadlines, not meeting them, and then disappointing others. So, the new chapters will release when they are done.

I chose to do this for a few reasons:

1. the stress really got to me to be honest. i dont want to dissapoint people, and setting deadlines for my self that i know i cannot achieve is not healthy.

2. I honestly just got... bored of writing it. It's just not really fun anymore, and writing new chapters is slower than ever for me now.

3. I want to focus more on my new fic: "Lost And Found". It's based on the video game 'Changed', and I would greatly appreciate it if you checked it out if ur interested.

thank you all for the crazy amount of support that i have been getting on this story. and please.

Don't give up on me yet...


Lune et Soliel (CatNap X DogDay)Where stories live. Discover now