Chapter 1: 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

Start from the beginning

Aang, looking up at the two while pondering, "So what am I supposed to do? Grow a mustache?"

Sokka, who is currently primarily quiet, smirks. "I have an idea for that!"

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Now, with a wig and mustache, Aang scratched his "hair" as Sokka proudly smiled.

Sokka: "Now you look like a none Airbender! Oppas fur is such a good material. We probably could make beds and stuff out of it!"

Aang: "Beds? Who would want to sleep with this? It's s so itchy," he complains, looking at Appa. "How do you live in this stuff?" Oppa looks down at Aang as the former sighs, "Sorry, Oppa."

Y/N stands to the side, and Y/N can't help but chuckle at Aang's new look.

Y/N: "It's a good effort, Aang. But let's hope it does the trick of keeping you incognito of Omashu." He said, "Just remember. After you do what you want here, we leave to get you where you need to be: The Northern Water Tribe."

Katara: "Yeah Aang." She sighs "This trip is the LAST time before we go so you can learn Water."

Sokka: "Then Earth," He adds on, showing he's been paying attention.

Y/N: "Then Fire." He finishes off, lighting his finger with the tiniest flame before blowing it away, gaining a slight look from Sokka. "... Let's get moving. Who's ready to enter the Earth Nations' second largest city?"

"Hopefully, it isn't too different... I could see some of Bumi's kids if he has any. He is, as always, such a weird kid, but a good weird!"

Y/N: "Oh. So Sokka's weird or Katara weird?" He asks as he dodges a quick veil of Water from Katara. "Ha! You missed!-"

The Water comes back, splashing Y/N as he smirks. His body heats up within seconds as the Water evaporates around him.

Y/N: "Ok, you got me."

Katara laughed, which causes Y/N to chuckle. The group begins to descend towards the city, the gates of Omashu looming large.

Aang walks, scratching his head before moving his hand back to his staff. He walks with it and arches his back as if walking with the stick like a makeshift cane.

They walked peacefully, slowly nearing the gates before a loud commotion cleared the air of the peaceful sound it had before. A guard at the gate talks to an older man with a cart full of greens. Lettuce, maybe?"

Gate Guard: "Rotten cabbages?! What kind of slum do you think this is?!" With a display of earthbending, the guard forcefully sends the merchant's cart, filled with the green, apparently cabbages, tumbling down into the chasm.

Cabbage Merchant: "No! My cabbages!"

Y/N looks at this with a slight frown.

Y/N: "That was...Something."

Aang, trying to lighten the mood amidst the tension, turns to his friends with a forced smile, signaling them to stay positive.

Aang: "Just keep smiling!"

Sokka:"Whatever you say, Aang..." he replied as he and Katara both forced a smile.

Approaching the guards in an attempt to enter the city, Aang adopts the guise of an older man, leaning heavily on his staff. The most imposing guards confront them, earthbending a boulder into the air above him, his expression stern.

Gate Guard: "State your business!" The villages guard yells out, invoking a glare from the eyes of Y/N . He steps slightly forward, his eyes sharp as he sends daggers at the guard.

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