chapter one

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The clock started beeping on my nightstand when time hit 06.00 am,
I lifted my hand and slammed it down on the clock with a groan to make it shut up.
I rubbed my eyes to get used to my surroundings before sitting up with a yawn.

I stood up and walked over to my window, peeking out through the curtains to look around the neighbourhood that stood rather silent as always, I shruged it off before I closed them once again and walked over to my wardrobe.
I picked up a black hoodie with som random design on the back, I slipped it over my head and put it on before taking up a pair of gray leggings slipping them on with a pair of white socks.
I sat down at my makeup table taking up my hairbrush, brushing through my hair before putting it up into a big ponytail.
I examined my face in the mirror and sighed noticing the usual eyebags had gotten worse, I shake it up and stands up taking my phone before walking downstairs

I walked into the kitchen and opened the firdge to take out the yoghurt and place it on the counter, walked over to the cupboard , took out the cereal, and poured the yoghurt and cereal into a bowl before walking over to the kitchen table and takes a seat starts to eat in silence while looking out the windown on the tress moving with the wind

Time Skip To School
Third person view

The halls were crowded with people chattering amongst each other as Y/N walked into the school. She looked around not really listening to what people were saying, instead she went to her locker and picked out her history books before walking to the classroom she was supposed to be in.
She sat down on a bench right beside the door that led into the classroom and looked around taking in her surroundings before her eyes landed on a boy she didn't recognize, she looked at the boy with a raised brow when he looked back at her looking rather lost? She started thinking to herself 'Is he a new student?' she shook it off as her classmates walked into the classroom when it started. She took her bags and stood up before nodding at the teacher as she walked into the classroom.
She took a seat in the back corner cuz that's where she could be alone but still knew where everyone was. She looked up and saw the guy she noticed before walking up to the back row and taking a seat next to her because that was the only seat left.

First person view

I glanced over at him slightly as I was drawing, taking in his features...he looked tired. I couldn't blame him though, he decided to start in this school when he was already tired. I feel bad, he has a hell of a ride to get used to then I suppose.
'You're very talented at drawing.' He said with a calm voice looking down at my sketch before looking at me again with a small smile 'huh? What? Uhm thanks..' I wasn't used to compliments, what could he possibly want..? He looked back at the teacher as I was looking at him in a slight shock, why was he so kind.? I shook it off and looked at the teacher as he started to say 'well today we've got a transfer student all the way from japan, class please greet your new friend Enzo!' I looked at the boy. I now know his name was apparently Enzo, which kinda suits him though.
The class looked back at us two inspecting Enzo frantically. I could almost feel they were trying to find something bad about him already, that's kinda how our class works, take every little detail you find and make it negative. The class looked back at the teacher as he continued talking about god knows what, i couldn't care less really. 'Nice name...' I finally spoke up trying not to make it way too awkward, he looked over at me with a frow. Just the same expression I had when he complimented my art 'well thank you, what's your name then?' I hesitated at first but just shrugged 'im Y/N' he smiled with a nod 'that's a beautiful name' i widened my eyes and looked at him, he thought my name was pretty...? 'Thanks...' Maybe there is one dissent human being in this school..

Author's note: Hello! Now the first chapter is done! Idk what made me write a book really lol, i just came to the idea, i've always liked writing novels and poetry so i thought i might as well give it a shot yk, oh well. What do we think so far? Is it a good start?
I wonder what happens in the next chapter, who knows, you will know tho! If ya scroll down!
Love ya! See you in the next chapter 😚

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