In Prison to confess

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"Is there anything new?" asked Ellie when she came into the police station with Arnold. Sarah and I sat at the table with Elliot, Trixie and Charlie, keeping an eye on the monitor where we could see Sam and Penny in their cells.

Until half an hour ago they had been discussing whose fault it was that they were now both sitting in here, while Sam had criticized her sense of justice and her conscience and Penny had criticized him for letting his temper run away with him like that to let in a fight. At some point it got on all of our nerves so much that Police Officer Malcolm quickly turned off the sound. Even Nurse Flood, who had been with Sam for half an hour to treat his split lip and left him with cooling pads for his eye and lip, had actually fled the cell in the end, completely annoyed.

"Not really. They've stopped complaining to each other though," I replied boredly.

"Well at least something," Ellie stated and leaned against the wall with her arms crossed in front of her chest to watch the two of them. Penny was sitting on the lounger leaning against the wall with her legs pulled up so she could rest her arms on them. Sam had just been pacing up and down in his cell next door, but now he lay down on the cot and stared at the ceiling.

"Don't you think we're going too far?" Charlie objected and I could see that he felt sorry for the two of them. We all turned to him confused.

"With what exactly?" Officer Malcolm then said what was on everyone's mind.

"This is deprivation of liberty," he immediately clarified, pointing to the monitor.

"Not quite. Malcolm can hold them for up to 24 hours because they caused such a disturbance," Sarah explained to her father.

"But Penny is right about one thing. The mayor actually started it. Shouldn't he actually be sitting here with Sam and not Penny?" I remarked, earning an annoyed look from Ellie.

"Sam has nothing to clarify with the mayor!" she stated. I understood that our plan wouldn't work in this case, after all the mayor and Sam really didn't have anything to clarify with each other. The two certainly had nothing to say to each other. But purely legally...

"Look, Sam is saying something. Turn up the volume, Malcolm!" Ellie asked the police officer and we all looked at the screen again. Sure enough, Sam's lips moved and we all waited anxiously to see what he had to say. He no longer looked evil. That's something!

"Nobody knows the trouble I've seen. Nobody knows my sorrows," he sang to our surprise and we looked at each other questioningly. I knew the song from somewhere. I could imagine he was bored, but was he that bored?

"Sam!" Penny admonished him quietly, but a smile played at the corners of her lips.

"What? Too sad?" he replied with that teasing tone and started singing again: "Sur le pont d'Avignon, L'on y danse, l'on y danse, Sur le pont d'Avignon L'on y danse tout en rond."

"We're not in a Disney movie here, Sam!" Penny admonished him, stretching her legs out on the lounger and leaning her head against the wall. Since the surveillance cameras were mounted above the door, we could clearly see that she had just rolled her eyes but was now visibly fighting a smile.

"But I know how much that always cheers you up," he teased her again and Penny lost the fight and actually smiled. Wow, the man knew the woman pretty well."No matter how dark or annoyed your mood was, when we watched a Disney film, you were always in a good mood afterwards," he then stated and that surprised me. Penny didn't seem like the type for all this ideal-world-princess behavior. "Except for the moments when you cried, of course," he then remarked - clearly teasingly.

"I never cried!" Penny clarified immediately and I wondered if he could hear her smile, what we all saw.

"You cry at Disney movies! I never said anything but I've seen it every time and especially with The Lion King and Dumbo!" he then stated and he seemed as if he wasn't going to let that stop him.

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