Chapter 2

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A/N: This chapter is sort of boring, the end is sort of exciting though. BUT there is one thing you have to know, tiny little details you don't think are important in this chapter end up being VERY important later on so pay attention

This has officially been the weirdest moment of my life. It wasn't just because of the weird rock and all the time skips but it's also been something up with my eyesight. I've always had trouble seeing things far away but today I'd seen everything so amazingly clearly, it was...silly. It was really really silly how easy it was to see. I know I might be obsessing over it but after being blind as a mole without my glasses on this was amazing for me. Other than that my hair seemed to be getting lighter. The tips were almost white, now that worried me, If I went into High School with grey hairs...

Now that children, wasn't even the weird part, I'm still getting to the weird part.

It happened at lunch. I was carrying my cheeseburger and fries back to the lunch table when I realized I'd forgotten to get water. All the coolers had broken down a few weeks ago so all the sugarless soda people worship had been thrown out so now you were lucky to get cold water. Anyways I walked up to buy water and I grab a bottle that feels especially warm, sadly enough. I walk over to the cashregister. The woman there (The one that barely speaks english) looks at me like I'm from another planet and tell me in a heavy accent of some sort 

"Your bottle is frozen"

I look down and indeed my water wasn't just cold the sides were beginning to frost.

At the lunch table Kat tries to do my hair to no success. We all know my hair is an untamed beast, the monster of all hair.

"Did you try to die your hair or something?" Kat asked

'No I just touched a magic stone' I pictured myself saying, not that sounded beyond silly

"New shampoo" I lie

"Think it's making your hair white" Kat laughs

"Maybe it's just the stress your causing me with Jerome" I counter

Georgia looks up from her drawing "Maybe we can bring you to a hair salon after school and get it fixed up. There's one off Main Street right?"

"Yeah there is" Nikki says, she was talking to her friend Jasmine who I actually find sort of mean but I'd never say that aloud, she turns "Knowing Julie's mom she'd never let her go"

I laugh "I know right"

My mom was so weird, she wouldn't let me hang out after school even when I wasn't grounded but she would let me walk to school all alone. I was a teenager I should be able to make my own decisions!

Later that day in the bus line I took my sketchpad out of my backpack and started drawing. Just little funny doodles of wolves and cartoon people. I zoned out a bit as I was drawing and by the time I looked down I was drawing the rock.

Oh god! Nobody can know about that! You've betrayed yourself Julie! I thought almost laughing at myself, not that I really thought someone would think anything of the weird strangely accurate drawing, I was always drawing weird mystical things, mostly wolves, cartoons sometimes, all my teachers knew what a good artist I was as the little homework I did and all my school work was always covered with doodles of swords , fake languages, a bow and arrow, animals, dragons and just all out randomness. My art teacher loved me, wish I could say the same for the rest of my teachers who liked me (Except Mrs. Hoot) but were always annoyed at my doodling. I wished someone would understand was drawing.

I dare myself to put my hand on the stone in my backpack. I look over at Amanda Tucker. Amanda is…Well Amanda is a jerk. She’s always bullying me and trying to make me feel less of myself. Yeah, never listen to her really, but I know she doesn’t me and I’m not that fond of her either. I know if Amanda saw the stone she’d take it, she does that. I got a charm bracelet for my birthday once and made the mistake of wearing it to school. She stole it and I was never able to get it back. I would not let the same thing happen to this rock. It wasn’t a charm bracelet…Something about it felt too important to lose. It might be big but we were talking about Amanda Tucker here, she could walk into an airport with a gun and everyone would just smile and wave at her.

The rock is cold despite being in my hot locker in the school warm by the huge heaters in every classroom. It’s got spikes now, that’s new, but they aren’t sharp, more dull and smooth. I really like this thing.

Julie Kenne! You’ve found me! The little voice cries happily

I smile, I know it’s the rock talking to me. This seems silly and impossible almost like a fairytale and that just made it that much cooler. I loved this rock and the fact it talked was even cooler.

Thinking about that I came up with a new possibility. This was all some stupid prank to make me look like an idiot. I hoped it wasn’t. I was getting strangely attached to this rock and if it was fake then it would break my heart to the point of no return.

On the bus I look down at the rock. This is weird. Even in my backpack it’s letting off and eerie light. A light that’s getting brighter.


Freya sat at her desk tapping her feather pen on the desk. It made no noise but she knew something was great great hearing heard the tiny sound of the feather hitting the desk. The tiny plip, plip, plip. She smiles happily…Then gasps. She felt like she had just been stabbed straight through the chest.

“Freya are you okay?” Orpheus, Freya’s best friend asks

“Orpheus” Freya flinches “You’re not the last dragon”

Orpheus’s eyes get wide as his ruby colored scales glint in the sunlight

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