Odd New Feelings..

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Oddly enough, everything had seemed to return to normal after The Cyclone accident, and the choir had gotten back into their usual routines. Ocean had officially been given the title of the choirs 'leader', much to the dismay of Noel, but everything had been running smoothly.

Despite the normality and them falling back into old routines and habits, it seemed as though they all had an unspoken rule. They wouldn't speak about what happened. None of them would mention it.

And despite them appearing fine, they'd all picked up some less than favorable habits. They knew they weren't okay. But who were they to tell about it other than each other? So instead, they pushed their feelings down, and acted as though it had never happened. They acted like they were fine.

"Let's wrap this up early! We all did great today!" Ocean clapped.

"I will never get used to you being nice.." Noel muttered under his breath.

"Hey!" Ocean frowned, "I heard that!"

"Oh nooo, what a shameeee." Noel rolled his eyes, his tone clearly sarcastic.

"Do you guys want to stay around my house tomorrow?" Penny asked, "My family's out for the week and I have the house to myself."

"Sure! That sounds fun!" Ocean, was the first to respond.

Ricky was the second, nodding enthusiastically.

"I will come! My parents will not care!" Mischa practically shouted.

"Sure, I'll come as well" Noel mumbled a bit too quickly after Mischa, causing him to get a smirk from Ricky, which he ignored.

"My parents shouldn't mind!" Constance smiled.

As they began packing up to leave, Ricky walked up to Penny, tapping her on the shoulder.

'Would you mind driving me home? My parents are busy.' Ricky signed.

Penny smiled as she nodded, "Do you want to come back to mine and stay over for the night? I have spare clothes that you can borrow if you want!"

Ricky frowned slightly,
'Are you sure that's fine? I don't want to bother you.'

"Of course it's okay Ricky!"

Ricky smiled, his face flushing a light pink, 'Thank you.'

"Of course, Ricky!"


They got to Penny's house quite quickly. Penny grabbed Ricky's bag and helped him inside.

Penny's house was huge. It was almost a Victorian style house. It looked like something you'd see abandoned at night and immediately assume it was haunted.

Ricky had seen Penny's house multiple times before, but every time he saw it he was shocked about how massive it was. Especially compared to the small house he lived in.

"Do you want to go to my room or stay down here?" Penny asked, not wanting Ricky to have to struggle up the stairs if he didn't want to.

Ricky pulled out his phone, which Noel had helped him set to text to speech mode. He'd appreciated that.

"Stay down here." The robotic voice said.

"Okay!" Penny smiled and brought Ricky's bag into the living room, "Do you want me to get some comfortable clothes for you to change into?"

Ricky nodded again, smiling appreciatively.

Penny quickly ran upstairs, and returned with a cat hoodie and some pyjama bottoms.

"I hope this is okay," She smiled awkwardly, "I'll go back upstairs and get changed so you can get changed down here."

Ricky smiled as Penny handed him the clothes and went upstairs. He got changed as quick as he physically could and messaged Penny, saying that she could come back downstairs.

A minute or so passed until she came back. Ricky could have sworn that he saw her blush slightly after looking at him, causing his own face to flush a light pink.

Penny quickly mumbled something under her breath that Ricky thankfully didn't hear.

She sat next to Ricky and looked to him with a small smile on her face, "Sooo, is there anything you wanna do?"

"Tell me about yourself." Ricky smiled, "I only really know 'Jane'. I want to know you."

Penny hesitated slightly,
"Well, uhm...I was in foster care for a while before my current family adopted me.. A lot of my foster families weren't great.." She admitted, "uh, some other stuff is, my favourite colour is light purple, uhm.... I like cats as you can probably tell from that hoodie, and I think I might be bisexual."

Ricky smiled, "Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me some of that."

Penny began to fidget worth her hands,
"Tell me about you now, I don't know much about you and I want to get to know you better."

Ricky looked a little shocked, but replied anyways,
"Well, I like cats but I think that was obvious. Uh, my family isn't home much so Noel usually drives me to school and back and I actually think I might be bisexual as well."

Penny smiled and gently hugged Ricky.

"Is there anything you want to do now?" She asked.

"Could we watch Cats the musical?" Ricky smiled.

Penny laughed slightly, "Sure, we can watch that."

She put Cats on and smiled as Ricky immediately fixated on it. The two of them sat there watching it when Penny gently placed their head on Ricky's shoulder as she grew tired.

Ricky felt his face burn as he blushed, but he tried to ignore it as much as he could.

A few more minutes passed and Penny had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

'That's so cute..' It took a moment for Ricky to actually register the thought and when he did he started panicking mentally. No. Him and Penny were friends. Nothing less, and definitely nothing more.

It's Not the Same || A Ride the Cyclone fic || [REMASTERED] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon