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I'm considered as a person with excessive sarcasm by my surroundings and myself. I like sarcasm and I think it's a smooth way to burn someone without looking for a lighter.

So here are some efficient ways to use it. Yes, I'm giving you some tips to use sarcasm.

One: Always keep a straight face. At first, you'll find yourself laughing, smiling or even getting out of your role because people around you will definitely react to a good sarcastic response but don't let yourself be hit by that. Hold that straight innocent face.

Two: Sarcasm is like a knife. You can always stab a knife in someone but it's not because you can that you should. Don't use it at every occasion you get.

Three: Sarcasm is like a crime pattern. If you use the same one, you'll be caught... Your friends will more and more stop giving you ways to be sarcastic... So change the pattern. What I mean by pattern is your tone, choice of words or even... references.

For example, I was with a friend last time and I asked her "hey, if you had the possibility to pick your name as a baby, what would it be?"
My friend goes "I don't know... I think we're too young to pick our names as a baby."
The sarcastic reply she got from me was "Really? No way, me too! I was literally attached to an umbilical cord to my mother's womb. I couldn't even feed myself. I thought it was just me."

Here, the question I asked was hypothetical and obviously, everyone knows we're too young to pick our names as a baby so my friend literally stating the obvious fact as a reason... It's... intriguing.

The type of sarcasm I used in this particular example is continuous affirmation. I kept stating the general truth as if it was something new. That is where your tone comes to the rescue. You take a surprised tone and look. That works all the time.

Four: Choose your audience wisely. You can be sarcastic to your friends but don't try it with your mom. She'll end you. No matter how funny your reply is, she won't understand but she will savagely roast you in return. Stay away from Mothers.

However, use it with (unhealthy) relatives. They always get offended and it's cute to watch their heart burn the way their stomach burns when our parents are richer than them. (Just brown people things!)

Five: Don't be afraid! If people are gonna burn you in return, better learn from it. But be audacious!


Signing off
The Genius Pen!

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