Ch.12: Before the Rescue

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The four exited the house. "Barret, you can stay if you want to." Y/n suggested. "I appreciate the concern, but I owe it Aerith for taking care of my little girl." "You sure?" "Mhm. Time to get some payback." "Now that I think about it, how are supposed to to get topside?" Tifa asked. "With everything that's happened, the trains still aren't running." "Well, we could walk along the tracks." Barret suggested. Y/n groaned. "The city's on high alert." Cloud responded. "All the roads and public transit have probably been locked down by now." "So what's the plan then? You know another way up?" Cloud remained silent. "I think I know someone who might." Said Tifa. "Oh, really Tifa?" Y/n didn't like who she meant. Cloud then caught on. "You mean Corneo."

The four made their way towards Wall Market. "Not eager to see Corneo so soon?" Cloud asked. "Do you have to ask?" "I'm lost." Said Barret. Tifa giggled. "When I went to investigate why Corneo's men were in Sector 7, Y/n thought I was in danger so he had to get all prettied up to try and save me. Turns out that he was more attractive than Aerith and me, so Corneo chose him as his new girl." Barret burst into laughter and Cloud couldn't help but chuckle. Y/n blushed in embarrassment. "That's the thanks I get for trying to help, huh?" Tifa smiled. "No, this is." Tifa held Y/n's arm and leaned in, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Woah-ho!" Barret exclaimed. Y/n blushed as Tifa winked. "Thank you, my hero." "A-Any time."

Their little banter was soon interupted by a crowd standing near a young woman giving a speech.

"So, after bombing Reactors 1 and 5, what do the eco-terrorists do? They go for the trifecta and take out Mako Reactor 7! Another attack by amateurs who don't care about collateral damage

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"So, after bombing Reactors 1 and 5, what do the eco-terrorists do? They go for the trifecta and take out Mako Reactor 7! Another attack by amateurs who don't care about collateral damage. The sky is falling and Avalanche is to blame! But wait! Did you know Wutai is the one funding their activties?!" Y/n's attention wandered towards a person standing on a roof wearing a ragged moogle cloak. The stranger was looking down with binoculars and upon noticing that Y/n was looking back, the stranger stumbled and quickly jumped away. Y/n glanced at his friends, but they were busy listening to the crowd speaker. "For all their claims about fighting for the slums... they're nothing more than pawns of Wutai! Puppets dancing to the tune of their foreign masters! And that's the truth! Topside news delivered straight to your ears! That'll be five gil. Five gil. Come on!" The crowd mumbled to themselves as they began to disperse, leaving the girl disappointed. "Five gil a piece! Cough it up! The truth ain't free, you know!"

"We ain't no damn pawns of Wutai!" Barret said to his company. "I couldn't care less about the rest, but that shit?" Barret tried to confront the girl, but Tifa held him back. "No one will listen to us. There's no point in even trying. I'm sorry." "Hey... hey Tifa, listen. There's no room in this for regrets or what it's or any of that. All we can do is keep moving forward. Keep following this path we chose. Wherever, so we can sat we did all we could." "I know. But... right now... instead of looking forward, you need to look around. Everyone here is terrified. So I'm asking you... don't." Barret nodded.

The four ventured towards Wall Market and arrived before Corneo's mansion. Entering the building, it was completely barren; they were met with zero resistance as they made their way over to Corneo's room. Passing a corner, Cloud quickly drew his sword and aimed it towards Leslie's neck who, in turn, held Cloud at gunpoint. "Long time no see." He said. The two lowered their weapons. "What brings you back here?" "Well, we need to find a way to get topside as quickly as possible, and we figured Corneo oughta know one." Responded Tifa. "Is that so. In that case, I can help." "You serious!? Then tell us!" Exclaimed Barret. "Follow me." Barret and Tifa looked towards Y/n and Cloud. "What's your intuition gotta say?" Asked Y/n. "Let's just hear him out."

A King and His Queen (Tifa x Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin