I scrunched my eyebrows thinking to myself for a second before I spoke up "I have the same powers as Barry, maybe I'm a little more advanced but same old stuff" 

He slowly nodded, he looked like he didn't believe a word I said "Are you being honest, like there isn't anything your doing to maybe make your speed faster?" 

I took a step back from him "Listen I don't know why your bringing this up but-" 

He zoomed closer to me, black lightning behind him. He grabbed my writs and hooked meta cuffs on. A smirk grew on his face. "I would tell me if I were you, what makes the famous speedy so fast?" 

I wiggled feeling panic rush through my body, not saying a word to him. I planted my feet to the ground "These little meta cuffs won't hold me" I whispered trying to shake off my fear and panic. 

He just smiled "I know that's why I have to do this" He quickly used his speed and shot me with some injection.

I winced feeling the burning through my veins "What did you do?" I managed to say feeling my legs go weak. 

He just smiled at me watching my body weaken "A drug, I injected that so happens to dampen your speed" 

I groaned feeling lightheaded holding onto the table. "Why are you doing this?!" I asked him 

He just watched me "Because Central City needs to know their precious hero's can't protect them" 

My body started to fight back, I could feel the electricity fighting off the drug. I stood back up regaining my strength, and looked at his reaction. 

"Fine I'll have to do this the hard way I suppose" Jay hissed and ran toward me, but I managed to escape before he caught me. 

I panicked as I ran around S.T.A.R labs, I couldn't hid from him. I had to fight back, quickly I changed into my suit and ran out of S.T.A.R labs him following behind me. 

I couldn't keep him from barley any distance, it was wearing me out. I didn't have a plan. I ran to the water front and stopped, I couldn't keep running. 

Zoom looked at me "You won't win Speedy" his voice was loud 

I got myself ready "Come on then, prove it." I dug my foot into the sand and prepared myself as he ran to me. 

I ducked down and watched as he jumped over me and turned around toward me racing to me again. I ran fast going up and down buildings till he finally caught up to me and grabbed me dragging me to the roof. "I really didn't want to do this" He told me holding me down with all his might. 

I wiggled and tried to use my speed, but he had drugged me again probably three times now. I was able to push him off me, remembering what Oliver had taught me but I was no match against a evil speedster without my powers. I need a couple minutes to regain them and he didn't give me that. He thrown me back on the concert, making my head and back burn. 

I winced and got up looking at Zoom, he was standing watching me "You never give up, huh?" 

I shook my head and watched him run closer to me and push me off the building, before I could figure out what was going on I was falling off the building. I looked around me but there was nothing I could do, I just held my breath and got myself ready for the impact. Focusing on my speed, but it wasn't there till the last second. 

I think I blacked out because all I remember is waking up in the middle of the road, I could barely feel my body. If it wasn't for my speed healing I would be dead. I moved my toes and my fingers, ignoring the burning pain in my back and head. I don't know how long I was down for but I was gasping for breath when I saw Zoom standing above me. 

"Done already?" He laughed looking at me. 

I slowly started to stand up, the pain was crazy. Maybe because I've never fallen off of a building and got up and walked it off. He just backed up and waited for me to get up. When I did, I could barley stand up straight. "You won't win this" I said weakly. 

He just laughed "Oh Thea I already have" 

I felt my speed back and quickly used to run, I wasn't as fast but I tried to combine my experience fight with Oliver and Barry but it barley did anything.

 He caught up with me again and grabbed my wrists holding one up tightly. "You think your all strong and powerful?" He whispered and I felt his hand phase through my back breaking my spine. 

I screamed feeling the intense pain not being able to do anything. 

"Your not!" He hissed in my ear again and stepped on my calf using his super speed to break through that bone as well. 

I tried to slow down my breathing but I couldn't I felt like I was hyperventilating. 

I felt him grab my wrists again and he started speeding to places, but I couldn't do anything. I could hardly see without my eye's blurring up. He came to a stop and held me up by my wrists. I blacked out multiple times and the next thing I knew he had stopped again, and again. Finally my eyes went black and there was no more pain. 


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