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Amira p.o.v
I was in the nursery looking at the baby clothes

Me: this is to cute

Huey: I cant believe they gave us these hoodies twice

Me: ay I like them

I went back opening gift boxes

Huey: I'm sorry I didn't help you plan the baby shower

Me: it's whatever

Huey: Mira don't be like that

Me: like what Huey

I threw a bag at him

Huey: stop throwing shit and sit down

Me: shut up Huey

I was soo mad at him

Me: you literally missed this big moment cause of that damn job

Huey: I-

Me: like are you going to miss chances birth or hell his birthday

Huey: Amira I am not gonna miss it

Me: are you sure

Huey: hell yeah I am

I walked out the nursery trying to go calm down
End p.o.v

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