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Sean p.o.v
It was poker night at my house and the guys was over

Me: how's wifey

Jamir: she's good

Me: that's good

We both look at Huey

Huey: what

Jamir: and how is your wife

Me: yeah wife

I started doing air quotes with my hands

Huey: man she kinda getting annoying

Me: whatcha mean

Huey: she wants to talk she wants to go out with me to look at my land or buildings she wants to eat together

Me: duh that's what a married couple does

Huey: then she asked me if we could get a damn dog

Jamir: well what did you say

Huey: I said no you wanna know what she said

Me: what

Huey: it could be good practice for when we have a real kid

Me: Huey have you even fucked her yet

Huey: one time that's it

Jamir: boy if I had her I would-

Me: how you want a kid and your not even fucking her everyday

Huey: I be busy with work I don't got time to do all that

Jamir: well you need to

Me: you need to have fun my nigga

Huey: anyway the sex was good though

Me: you need to do it more my nigga

Huey: eh
End p.o.v

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