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Mia p.o.v
I was on FaceTime with Amira. She was showing me her wedding ring

Me: it's pretty

Amira: I know he let me pick it out and everything

Me: so is there going to be a fake wedding since you know he wants you to be his fake wife

Amira: honestly I don't know

Me: wait do y'all sleep in the same room

Amira; no unless he wants me too

Me: is he cute

Amira; yeah hold on let me send you his instagram

She sent it to me

Me: damn Mira you hit the jackpot

Amira: I guess

She made a weird face

Me: what's wrong

Amira: I barely see him and when I do he completely ignores me or he talks about his job a lot

Me: damn

Amira: he barely ask me about my day or what I did

Me: soo how is that gonna work if you have his baby

Amira; girl he won't even touch me

Me: maybe he's scared or waiting for the right time

Amira: maybe
End p.o.v

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