𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘰

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"And that should be everything for today" Rachel said fixing up the papers and putting them in the correct spot "finally" you said taking a seat "I wonder if we are ever going to be able to catch this psychopath freak" said Rachel looking over at a ghostface picture

He was covered in blood looking at the camera with a thumbs up with two of his victims on the floor a woman and a man and he was holding a bloody knife behind him "you must have some serious issues to do something like that" you said looking away from the picture

"What are you two talking about?" Said Jed walking inside your office with two waters in his hand "I got you this" he said handing you a cup "oh jed you shouldn't have" Rachel said snatching the water cup from him holding her laugh when the two of you look at her "here take this one" he said giving you his other water cup

"No it's okay Jed" you said you felt bad for taking his water even though you shouldn't have because it was just water "alright what if the three of us go out to eat?" Rachel said linking arms with Jed and you "I can't I have some important stuff to take care of" said Jed taking his arm away from her

Rachel turns to you giving you these puppy dog eyes "please? I'm not surprised about idiot Jed over here he's always telling me no that's why he can't get a girlfriend he has his nose in his work a lot if you keep it up jed you'll be single for life" said Rachel nodding her head "I could get a girlfriend" Jed defended himself

"Anyone besides y/n" she said removing her hand from you "what's that supposed to mean?" You said looking at her with surprise "nothing, nothing so are you coming or not?" Said Rachel said putting a hand on her hip waiting for your answer "I don't know Rachel I promised my roommates I would have lunch with them" you said

"Well if that's the case they can come too it could be a girl's day out" said Rachel not really catching on you had no problem with telling your roommates to have lunch with you and Rachel the problem was sable is a little bit antisocial and well mikaela she really didn't like getting her plans canceled

"Don't you have other friends?" Jed teased grabbing his camera and putting it over his shoulder "get out of here Jed no one is talking to you" said Rachel pushing Jed out the door before he could get another word in it's strange Jed always had his camera with him but for some reason he never let you or anyone see it

It must be a really expensive camera for him to keep it away from everyone you didn't blame him though if you had something so valuable and expensive you would also probably keep it away from everyone "okay fine I'll talk to them" you said turning your attention back to Rachel

"You will? Oh good! Okay call me and let me know!" Yelled Rachel walking out of your office to get her things "I will" you said packing up your things when you were done with that you begin walking to the exit doors feeling the hot breeze of air hit your face why did it have to be so hot

You begin to walk to your shared apartment when you started to feel someone's eyes on you thinking that it was Rachel trying to catch up with you to have a conversation you thought nothing of it and kept moving except you never heard fast footsteps you just felt like someone was looking at you

You finally had enough and turned around only you didn't see anyone the street was completely empty sure a car or two would pass by but there was no one in the sidewalk but you maybe you were being a bit paranoid so you continued to walk ignoring the feeling like someone was watching you again

Maybe it was Rachel she would sometimes play these sort of pranks she would jump out of nowhere to scare the shit of you just so she can laugh so you prepare yourself for her to just jump out of nowhere you saw your apartment getting near you were starting to get a bit annoyed at Rachel at this point

Why wasn't she jumping out already? It was strange for her to wait this long maybe she knew that you knew that's why she was waiting longer than usual with a sigh you took out your phone and started to message her "okay you got me you can jump out already" you pressed the send button and continued to walk

Two minutes later you got a text from her saying "what are you talking about? I'm at my apartment already" you felt your heart drop a little looking around once more you again saw no one feeling goosebumps all over your body you started to speed walk your apartment was just across the street

Searching for your key in your purse was harder when you are in panic mode where was it you could have sworn you left it in the big pouch no you left it in the little pouch did you even bring your key with you? Or did you leave it again? With this heat it was getting harder to concentrate

"Y/n" said mikaela putting a hand on your shoulder you jumped at her sudden touch "are you alright?" She asked "yes" you said wiping off the sweat from your face you didn't realize that you no longer felt someone looking at you "I think I forgot my key" you told her fixing your bag

"It's okay I still have mine" mikaela said reaching inside her back pocket pulling out a small key she also had two big brown bags "what's that?" You said pointing at the bags "lunch I know we said that we were going to go out to eat but with this heat it's almost impossible" mikaela said opening the door

"Well what did you get?" You asked going inside waiting for her to go inside so you can close the door "well I bought sable her favorite food and don't worry I didn't forget about you here you go" mikaela said handing you one of the brown bags "thank you so much" you said taking it from her

Looking over at the table you saw your little key that you forgot "oh shit" you said putting down the bag and going over to grab the key "where is sable?" You asked looking around since you didn't see her "oh her... She's working" mikaela paused "the night shift" she continued

"Mikaela!" You said in disbelief you told them that there is a psychopath on the loose and not to go out at night "I know! But don't worry I can assure you she will be fine" mikaela said with a sigh you grabbed your food and went inside your room getting ready to text Rachel that the plans canceled because of the heat

ghostface x fem reader never mine from the start Where stories live. Discover now