"Trust me, if we weren't heading to the club, nothing would stop us," Wanda winked, her smirk softening. "Have you missed us?" she asked, tilting your head with a gentle finger to nuzzle your cheek.

"So, so much," you admitted without hesitation, planting kisses on her neck before nibbling tenderly.

"None of that," Wanda scolded playfully, adjusting your position and kissing each knuckle of your hand.

"We've created a monster," Natasha smirked, tickling your side, causing you to squirm and swat her hand away. She growled in mock threat, and you couldn't help but laugh. Feeling Wanda's embrace tighten, you relaxed, meeting her warm gaze as she caressed your hair.

Resting against Wanda, you observed the changing scenery outside the window as the car made its way to the undisclosed location of the club. Wanda occupied herself by humming along to the radio and playing with your hair. Occasionally, her rings would snag on a few strands, making you wince. However, you couldn't deny the pleasure you felt as she cooed and kissed the top of your head, apologizing for any discomfort. It only made you lean in closer to her soft embrace.

Natasha playful mood had slipped away the moment she picked up her phone, her annoyance palpable as she grumbled to whoever was on the other line. Lately, she had been under a lot of stress, her days consumed by damage control as her upcoming event had been pushed forward due to some of her art pieces being damaged by activists at a big art gallery in Paris. While you were all for saving the environment, you couldn't understand how damaging art would further their cause. Natasha had been livid when she received news that three of her paintings had been damaged, and currently, they were working tirelessly to salvage the pieces. The unhelpful artist's incessant calls only added to the chaos, leaving Natasha visibly frazzled.

Carefully, you extracted yourself from Wanda's embrace. She attempted to pull you back, but when you shook your head, she reluctantly let you go, her brows furrowing in concern. Natasha had just finished her phone call and was now furiously typing away. Sensing an opportunity, you nestled into her side, resting your head on her shoulder.

"Nat," you whispered softly, hoping to catch her attention.

She hummed in response, her gaze still fixed on her phone. Not wanting to add to her stress, you patiently waited until she tilted her head toward you, her ocean-colored eyes meeting yours.

"Hi," you whispered, noticing a slight twitch of her lip. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, don't worry about me, darling. There's nothing I can't handle," she reassured, her hand gently caressing your cheek. But you couldn't muster a smile.

"I want to help. Tell me how I can," you insisted, emphasizing your eagerness to assist her.

Natasha shifted, wrapping her arm around you once more, pulling you close. She nuzzled her nose against the crown of your head, inhaling deeply before releasing a soft sigh.

"This helps," she murmured against your scalp, and you closed your eyes, wishing you could alleviate all her burdens, even though you doubted your efforts were enough.

You jolted awake when the driver hit the brakes hard, letting out a surprised shriek. Natasha's voice rose in anger as she addressed the driver, while Wanda leaned over, assuring you that everything was fine. Though Wanda likely interpreted your flustered state as fear, it was more accurately a mix of surprise and embarrassment. Groggily looking around, you tried to regain your bearings.

It didn't seem like you had been asleep for long, as the city still surrounded you.

"Are we there yet?" you asked, your voice tinged with curiosity.

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