A Henry Among Us (Remake) Pt 1

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Okay guys hope you enjoy this
Trent and Mary sit down in their chairs
Man: This is a KLVY Breaking News Report with Trent Overunder and Mary Gaperman
Trent: we've got breaking news and it just took place right here in our studio
Mary: that's right Trent but we don't know what happened because we fell asleep on the air
Trent: That's wrong Mary, We were knocked unconscious. But our cameras were rolling so we can show you exactly what happened
A Flash appeared on screeen
Trent: Cyborg Rick Twitler saw that Volt has Blasted his living computer viruses into oblivion and said
Cyborg Rick Twitler: I'm gonna miss these viruses
Trent: he left two mysterious notes one for Captain Man and the other on Drexs Hand/Claw
Cyborg Rick Twitler: *Meet on top of... *smiles evily at the camera*
Trent: Then he drags Shoutout and Volt right out of here, then Mary started sleepwalking over to our studio kitchen. Drex woke up read the note on his claw, kicked Captain Man in his sleep and ran away. Mary came back in with a half eaten sandwich, dropped it near Brainstorm then sat back and fell asleep with her mouth wide open when we finally woke up everyone was gone
Another flash appears on screen
Trent: that's right Gone
Mary: The question is what did Brainstorm do with my sandwich
Trent: I think the real question is where did Rick Twitler take Shoutout and Volt?
Mary: And do they have any information about my stolen sandwich?
Trent: Sweet baby Jessica down the well, Mary you saw
Trent gets cut off when beeping sound with many colors is heard and shown on screen
*atom translation to Man's Nest*
Schwoz: Stay with me Bosey
Brainstorm: did my half sandwich make it?
Schwoz: *muffled voice* Im sorry it did not
Brainstorm: oh ok *sighs* I hope Chapa is okay and Mika too
Captain Man: Schwoz we got an emergency here
Schwoz: I know Brainstorm is exhausted from putting the Man's Nest back in place.
Awol: No, we gotta go find Chapa and my sister
Captain Man: No Henry's not answering his phone Awol teleport us all to Dystopia
Awol: Not until we find my sister
Captain Man: Relax she's probably fine
Awol: wow
Brainstorm: I'll call Henry he usually picks up for me
Captain Man: Please if Henry doesn't pick for me he's definitely not gonna pick up for-
Henry: Hey What's up buddy?
Ray then walks up to bose and slaps his phone out of his hand
Captain Man: He's my friend I will be the one that calls him
Brainstorm: dude he's our friend too
Captain Man: whatever
Schwoz: Hey Henry I got Ray right here for you-
Schwoz gets cut off when Ray slaps the phone out of his hand
Awol: this is ridiculous I'll be right back *teleports*
*scene then shows Dystopia and Henry is sitting in a Stool
Gemma: So how come you keep ignoring those calls from your boss?
Henry: I'm trying to focus on.. other things
Gemma: so why did you answer your friends
Henry: because maybe i was trying to make you jealous, did it work?
Gemma: maybe
As Henry and Gemma were about to kiss miles arrives
Henry: Dah
Awol: Henry we gotta bounce
Henry: Uh yeah no I'm kinda in the middle of something right now sorry
Awol: *grabs his left arm* let's go let's go
Henry: no no seriously don't do this right now man
Awol: let's go
Henry: Also Hi how are you? That's how normal people greet each other
Awol: I'm sorry I'd love for you to come with me
Henry: okay I forgive you imma go imma go I'm not gonna do this right now
Awol: No you're not gonna go here you're gonna go somewhere else I don't have time for this
Henry: Fine fine
Note: I'm sorry if this is very long trust me I know and I'm sorry💀
Captain Man: hey Henry
Henry: Ray
They hug it out then pull away
Captain Man: Too busy to take my calls
Schwoz Awol and Brainstorm: ugh
Henry: I was on a date
Captain Man: oh but you weren't when Bose called that's interesting
Henry: are we really gonna do this right now
Captain Man: what are we doing?
Henry: you do this everytime
Captain Man: what did I do
They argue back and fourth
Brainstorm: Should we stop them?
Awol: I think this is just what they do
Schwoz nods his head
Henry: hey good to see you *looks back at ray* stop being ridiculous
*time skip*
Awol: can you hurry up and get the therapy session over with so we can go find Chapa and My sister?
Brainstorm: just a sec just a sec
Awol: ugh
Brainstorm: Henry can you agree to take Rays calls unless you're in a life or death situation?
Henry: I can agree to that
Brainstorm: and Ray can you agree that Henry has his own life and that his boundaries are not at attack on you
They all look at him
Captain Man: I always pick up when he calls
Brainstorm slams his hands on the table
Henry: See?
Captain Man: and he doesn't call very often just putting that out there
Awol: I'm gonna go find my sister anyone that wants to come can hop on
Brainstorm: do we know where she is did I miss that part?
Awol: Nah I'm just gonna teleport around town till I find her-
Henry: Hey she's calling me right now
Captain Man: Oh you pick up when she calls that's just great *walks away*
Henry: Mika hello?
Henry: Seriously? That's like louder than her dude
I decided to split this into 2 parts so it's easier

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