first time

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They both went to noodles shop. They sitting in corner of the table.

"Oh sweetie you came again, that's nice to see you again".

Jeff only nods and smile for aunt. Alan was so damn hungry.

Alan:" Aunt don't you waste time, can you give us a 2bowl of noodles".

Aunt qi:"oh Alan your lot of hungry today. Fine I will give noodles, and she looked at Jeff oh sweetie wait minute ".

Aunt left. But Alan still watching Jeff. Jeff
was so annoyed by Alan stares. And he already used by that he didn't mind. The aunt came with two bowls noodles she served. And standing in front of Jeff.

" Hey cutie do you have boyfriend? ".

Jeff:" No.. Aunt why are you asking me this? ".

"Oh boy you are so beautiful and cute, I thought I have my son he is also your age I want you to as my son in law and my son also you're age.hmm.....Take this number if you want to date my son,you can tell me".

Jeff so embarrassed by that aunt word. Especially he don't like date with anyone and he dont like it.she told that to Jeff and she left.

Alan was so shocked and jealously seeing that aunt, he didn't expect that aunt could say that. His appreciate gone to hearing that.he looked at Jeff, he started to eating noodles. They finished their bowls. Alan paid for noodles, also he takeout the noodles for sonic, north and joy. Alan and Jeff went from their.

In the car...

Alan keep driving the car. He so sad because hearing that aunt's word. He keeps thinking that. Jeff was also quite looking out side. "Will this kid date that guy?, will he become that guy boyfriend? " So many questions in Alan's head and he also thought that about his age. Alan is 35 years old. Hmm my age is lot difference to this kid. He sighed about that.

Alan park the car in and came out, he opens the door Jeff stares Alan and he came out.

Jeff:" Hmm... P'alan are you okay? ".

Alan:" I'm ok ai noo".

They both went inside. Jeff also thinking about what that aunt said. He gave the take outs to sonic.

Jeff:"p'sonic We already have the dinner. We bought take out for you guys".

Sonic nodded and smiled " Thank you Jeff , oh.. No...sister in law".

Jeff stunned hearing what sonic told" When I became your sister in law, I'm not married p'sonic".he stuttered his words

"Oh Jeff don't act I know you are not married. But Alan likes you. He always stares and care about you. He didn't date and likes anyone all this he first time fallen in love with you.he is kind,Don't break his heart nong. Please take care of him".
He didn't gave minutes to talk to Jeff. He told this he went to eat.

Jeff thinking about what sonic told about Alan. He went his room. He throwed his body to bed. The smell of cookies that made him calm and it always brought him to think about that alpha. Jeff went bathroom and showers up. He came out he opens the cupboard, he took the pyjamas. He saw there is another cupboard , he opens the door, he saw full of cupboard is alan clothes and his stuffs. He also smell that his favorite cookies smell. He closed the door and puts his pyjamas. He came out from room went to talk with joy.

In Joy's room, he went near to joy and seated on bed.

Jeff:" Joyyy.... I- I want to say something to you".

Joy:"what is it Jeff? You can tell me. Don't be shy thought me as your brother ", he reassures the Jeff.

Jeff always feel safe to talk with joy and Charlie feels like it's more secure. Because joy always treat him like his own brother.

Jeff:" Joyy.. You know I don't like dating and meeting strangers. M-Me and alan went today noodles shop. But the shop a-aunt asked me to d-date with his s-son. She gave me number too... What should I do?"Jeff pouted cutely.

Joy knows his friend is so cute anyone can fall for him. Joy liked Jeff first time, when he got closer to him, he known that Jeff don't like him, then they became friends. He suggested call to that aunt and told her that I don't like to date my brother also don't allow it".

Charlie more strict to Jeff when it's come to love life. Jeff is a omega,some alphas can love but breaks hearts. Some alphas can use the omega to fulfill their thrust, Charlie always worried about this he won't allow to date Jeff. He was protecting his brother all his life. That joy also know.

Jeff:"thank you joy.. "He hugged joy, he get ups from bed then he came out from Joy's room. Alan saws that Jeff coming from Joy's room. Now more jealousy and went to take shower.

Jeff went near fridge and opens the door he taken milk shake and went to sit on chair and drinking the milk shake. He finished.Jeff walking to his room he looking so cute with those pyjamas. He walking like a baby.

North:" Jeff.. "He shouts.

Jeff:" What is it phi? Do want anything? ".

North:" No Jeff, give this file to alan and tell him that file was pete gave".

Jeff nodded and went to alan room.he pulled the door, it's opens he straightly went inside. His widens when saw alan, the water dropping from his hair, and the towel that he tied to his waist the water flowing from his chest, the Jeff started gulping his own saliva, and he can't stand that. He staring at floor

Jeff:"p-phi alan.. P-phi North told me to give this file to you, he also told this file was from pete". Jeff stuttering his words, he can't look at alan.

Alan was dropped lot of water bed near floor.

Alan:"ai noo.. Put it there".

Jeff gone near to Alan bed. He didn't saw that water on the floor. His foot slipped he fell on Alan. Both of them eye's are widened Jeff fell on Alan over all Alan's body and on his lips. Jeff was so embarrassed and he tries to get up, and he quickly get up. He quickly puts the file near to bed. He tried to run away from his room. But again his feet slips he falling down Alan catched him. His arms wrapped around Jeff waist. Jeff so embarrassed he don't want to see him anymore and his face getting red like tomato. He stands up and slowly walks from alan's room, he thinks he may again fall down, when he came out from his room. He runs to his room. He fell on bed. He rolling on bed and thinking about what happened just now. He has so many thoughts in his mind he covers his face with bedsheet and fallen to sleep.

Here Alan thinking about Jeff, he thought Jeff scent smell like honey not now he confirmed that Jeff lips also feel like honey. Now he wants it more but he can't because he and Jeff didn't confessed yet. If he try to kiss Jeff , Jeff won't talk with him anymore. That's why he didn't do it he puts his pyjamas and went to sleep.

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