Coffee shop

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The morning Jeff still sleeping. His brother Charlie making breakfast after came to look Jeff is wake or not. He enter his room but Jeff is still sleeping and he opens the windows curtain wakes up the Jeff.

Charlie:"Jeff! Jeff... My love wake up. It's already morning and late for college. I prepared for you breakfast get up".

Then Jeff awake now slowly opening his eyes he gone straight to bathroom he brushed his teeth and taken the shower now he fresh up he wears uniform ready for go to college. He came down from his room and sit down at dinning table.

Jeff:"what did you prepared for breakfast p'charlie".
Charlie:"Spaghetti bolognese and pork balls".
Jeff:"it's look like delicious " Then let's try.

Charlie smiled to see his cute brother
Then they began to eat then Charlie  interrupted in the middle of meal because he has something to say to Jeff.

Charlie:"My love i am going to work I am busy this week. I can't take care of you. I will comme back soon when my work finishes. Please take care of yourself. if you want anything call me".
Jeff nodded.

They finished their breakfast.
Charlie left to work saying goodbye by to Jeff with a giving  forehead kiss. Then he left.jeff also left.
In an one hour to take to Jeff to came to college.

(oh I forgot to introduce the Jeff sorry guys).

Jeff is 20 years old boy he don't have parents when he is small boy he left with Charlie. Charlie is a elder brother of Jeff. Jeff studying mechanical engineering he is now 3rd year student.he is also a omega he take the suppressant sometimes that  doctor recommended. He is cute beauty and matured and talented boy.

Now Jeff is at entrance of class room he has only friend that joy. Joy is good and also joy has girlfriend. Joy mother runs a coffee shop. Jeff go there for doing part time job because he don't want to be burden to Charlie. Joy is the one who helped to do part time job in his mother cafe And joy also know he is a omega.

Jeff go inside the class and sit beside joy.
Joy is also happy to friend with jeff.
Joy:"oh... Jeff why are you late? ".
Jeff:" Joy it's because I wake up late".
Joy:" It's final year now do you have plan to internship anywhere. "
Jeff:"No. I didn't have time to think about it".
Joy:"then I heard about X hunter company. It's a famous company and we intership there  we will have most experience about work.and they also given advertisement about they want mechanic's. What would say Jeff."

Jeff nodded. because his friend with him he can work easier and joy not brother him alot he gave his space for Jeff.

Five hours passed.The class is over now Jeff went with joy his mother coffee shop.

Joy's mother so happy when see she Jeff
She always "oh sweetie" you came she always give him cookies because she knows he loves cookies.he also learn coffee making from his mother.

Then he began to work and the hour often the tall and handsome man standing at the door.
He came inside. Jeff feeling that smell of his favorite cookies that Charlie made for Jeff. he tried to where this smell coming from. it's calm and comforting to jeff. The tall man standing in front of him.

He said to Jeff "one cup coffee please".
Jeff nodded.

The tall taken seat and waiting for coffee.
Jeff came and serve the coffee to the tall man.

The tall man staring Jeff because that day
He didn't taken the suppressant his honey scent exploring in the air. The tall man he is an alpha he likes that smell plus Jeff is cute. Jeff left. There the honey scent gone. The tall man down the smile on his face.

The tall man  drinks his coffee and left.

The smell of cookies was fading slowly.
Jeff  also down now.

Hello guys. I think you guys enjoys what I written. May be my english not that good . Also thai and english is not my language. English is my second language.
I also added some parts almond cookies storie that written by Yuu junie . And I also missing that story so much. Iam new for this writting stories.

COOKIE 🍪(ALANJEFF) PitbabeWhere stories live. Discover now